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    Wild Content

    Our Commitment To Gut Health

    I'm changing things.
    Change is hard but imperative.
    Change is life, and life is change. 
    Life isn't life without change—always striving, thriving, or decaying.
    Try remaining the same and see how long you last.
    No, please don't do that. That was rhetorical.
    Doing anything meaningful means figuring out how to do it, sustain it, and pass it on to others. Change, change, change.
    The Universe is constantly changing. Nothing is static.
    The sun is burning out. It has a few billion years to go, and then, BANG, it'll explode and take the entire solar system with it.
    So what am I changing?
    Our positioning. Our marketing. Our focus. To gut health.
    Because the gut is everything.
    Because improving your gut is improving your health.
    Because poor gut health is poor health.
    And your gut is the center of it all.
    So expect to hear a lot more about your belly moving forward.
    And to kick things off, we've crafted a new gut health bundle: The reWILD Your Gut bundle.
    More than a bundle, it's a system, a routine, and your new daily gut building habit.
    Moving forward, everything we do will be focused on helping you improve your gut health.
    The thing about premium whole food products is they're already gut supportive. Nothing we offer is going to conflict with this new goal.
    Just the opposite: everything you already get from Wild will fit perfectly into your gut health routine.
    (🤔 Why didn't I think of this a long time ago?)
    The key to gut health is consistency and long-term thinking. You're not going to heal your gut overnight.
    It takes time and has a high adherence rate. That's precisely why this bundle exists—to help you create the habits around building your gut so you can do it for the long run.
    This all started about a year ago when I was dealing with bouts of fatigue.
    My cortisol, testosterone, and other hormones were going out of whack. The signs kept pointing to my gut. Not to mention dealing with Austin allergies (cedar trees be damned). 
    Less than a month ago, adrenal fatigue knocked me out for more than two weeks. I had those irrational fears that go like, "What if I never get better?"
    This was just one more reminder of what I knew I needed to do: focus on my gut.
    Since then, I've gone ALL IN on gut health, red lights, morning sunlight, grounding (I need to do this more), and eating whole clean foods cooked at home.
    Part of this new routine is the morning gut shot that gets my stomach acid going. (Recipe here)
    I started testing various ingredients and routines. From that process, the reWILD routine/bundle/system was born.
    The foundation is the morning gut drink, which includes Wild Fulvic, Oxy-Mag, cream of tartar, pink salt, a dash of ACV and lemon juice, some master blend (prebiotic), and sometimes a little bit of charcoal. (Optional: add a dash of maple syrup or honey)  
    Each ingredient supports the gut (and other things) in their own way. When combined, they are the absolute perfect way to start (or end) the day.
    Next up on the daily routine is a pre-meal protocol. The goal is to get your gut acid going before you eat to help prime it for digestion.
    The best way to do that is with a small shot of one or more of the following: fulvic acid, lemon juice, apple cider vinegar, bitters, and digestive enzymes. (bonus if you do them all together)
    This is something I now do before every meal.
    Finally, the best way to wind down is with perhaps the single most important mineral/thing you can put in your body on Earth: magnesium. (Oxy-mag and/or Mag Complex.) Then throw in some Pre/Pro and maybe a dash of honey or fulvic or ACV (or all) and you have the perfect sleep and gut promoting nightcap.
    This routine is the foundation of the reWILD Your Gut system. (More recipes and protocols to come.)
    For the average person not doing much or anything to improve gut health, this simple routine is potent enough to change a life. That's how powerful gut health is and how a little attention goes a long way.
    Beyond that, there is a list of gut-improving foods and routines that you can utilize. Then the gut-attacking foods and routines you should avoid. The reWild system helps you do it all.
    Also check out our new Gut Health GuideThere's a bunch of actionable routines you can implement immediately, so start something.
    And if gut health—health—is a priority for you, then I highly recommend using the new reWILD protocol as the foundation of your gut routine.

    Wake up refreshed: The ultimate guide to natural supplements for better sleep


    As someone who has struggled with sleep issues for years, I know firsthand how frustrating it can be to toss and turn all night. Not only does it leave you feeling groggy and irritable the next day, but it can also seriously affect your health.

    That's why I turned to natural sleep aids and remedies to help me get the restful, rejuvenating sleep I need. I'll share everything I've learned about natural supplements for better sleep in this guide.

    The importance of quality sleep

    Before we dive into the specifics of natural sleep aids and remedies, it's essential to understand why getting enough high-quality sleep is so critical to our overall health and well-being. When we sleep, our bodies work hard to repair and rejuvenate themselves.

    This is when our brains process and consolidate memories, our muscles and tissues repair and grow, and our immune system strengthens to fight illness and disease. Without enough restful sleep, our bodies can't perform these essential functions, leading to adverse health consequences.

    Sleep deprivation can cause mood swings, difficulty concentrating, and impaired judgment in the short term. Over time, it can contribute to a wide range of health issues, including obesity, diabetes, heart disease, and even certain types of cancer.

    Understanding natural sleep aids and remedies

    If you want better sleep, there are a variety of natural sleep aids and remedies to choose from—these range from herbal supplements and essential oils to lifestyle changes and relaxation techniques.

    It's crucial to keep in mind that everyone responds differently to natural sleep aids when you're trying to decide between them. What works for one person may have a different effect on another. That's why it's essential to experiment with other supplements and techniques until you find the ones that work best for you.

    Melatonin – The most popular natural sleep aid

    Humans naturally produce the hormone melatonin, which controls when we sleep and when we wake up. One of the most widely used natural sleep aids, it is also sold as a supplement.

    Melatonin supplements are easily accessible in various formats, including pills, liquids, and gummies. They're designed to be taken about 30 minutes before bedtime to help promote relaxation and induce sleep.

    While melatonin is generally considered safe, it's essential to talk to your medical doctor before taking any new supplements, especially if you're taking medication or have any underlying health conditions.

    Valerian root – How it can help you sleep better

    Valerian root is an herbal supplement used for centuries to promote relaxation and improve sleep. The neurotransmitter GABA has a soothing effect on the central nervous system. Raising GABA levels is how this supplement works.

    Some studies have found that valerian root can effectively improve sleep quality and reduce the time it takes to fall asleep. Even yet, additional study is required to comprehend its impacts on sleep completely.

    If you're considering trying valerian root, you must talk to your doctor first, especially if you have any preexisting problems or are already using drugs.


    Chamomile – A natural remedy for anxiety and insomnia

    Chamomile is a popular herb that's often used to make tea. It's also sold as a supplement, and users report feeling calmer after taking it.

    Studies have found that chamomile can effectively reduce symptoms of anxiety and depression, which are common causes of sleep disturbances. The quality of your sleep and the time it takes you to nod off could benefit you.

    If you take any medications or have preexisting health concerns, you should see your doctor before attempting chamomile.

    Passionflower – A natural sedative

    Passionflower is an herb used for centuries to treat anxiety and insomnia. Increasing GABA, a neurotransmitter that has a soothing effect on the central nervous system, is thought to be responsible for its calming effects.

    Some studies have found that passionflower can be effective in reducing symptoms of anxiety and depression, as well as improving sleep quality and reducing the time it takes to fall asleep.

    Consult your physician before attempting passionflower, especially if you are already on medications or have preexisting health conditions.

    Lavender – An essential oil for better sleep

    Lavender is an essential oil that's long been used to promote relaxation and improve sleep. It's believed to work by calming the nervous system and reducing feelings of anxiety and stress.

    There are various ways to use lavender oil for sleep, including adding a few drops to a diffuser, spraying it on your pillow or bedding, or adding it to a warm bath before bedtime.

    Lavender oil is generally harmless, but if you have any preexisting health conditions, it's best to consult your physician before utilizing any new essential oils.

    Magnesium – How it can help you relax and fall asleep faster

    Magnesium is a mineral that's essential for overall health and well-being. It's also believed to play a role in promoting relaxation and improving sleep.

    Preliminary research suggests that ingesting magnesium hours before bedtime can improve sleep quality and duration. It may also help reduce symptoms of anxiety and depression, which are common causes of sleep disturbances.

    If you're considering trying magnesium supplements, you must talk to your doctor first, especially if you do not have any preexisting ailments or severe medical conditions and are not currently taking any drugs.

    Other natural supplements for better sleep

    In addition to the supplements and remedies mentioned above, there are a variety of other natural options to consider when it comes to improving the quality of your sleep.

    These may include:

    • Ashwagandha – an adaptogenic herb that helps the body cope with stress and anxiety
    • 5-hydroxytryptophan (5-HTP) is a dietary supplement shown to elevate serotonin levels. Mood-regulating serotonin is a type of neurotransmitter.
    • L-theanine – an amino acid that's believed to help promote relaxation and reduce feelings of anxiety
    • Calming neurotransmitter found in the brain and nervous tissue is called GABA.

    As with any new supplement or remedy, you must talk to your doctor before trying anything new, especially if you're taking medications or have any underlying health conditions.

    Red Light

    Red Light Therapy

    Yes, light is nutrition, and you should think about it just like you would think about taking a pill or powder or drink.

    Light is integral for setting your circadian rhythm. I call it a sun clock because that's what it is—an exact relationship with that billion-year-old fusion reactor in the sky that powers everything, humans included.

    Since modern humans spend about 90% of their time indoors, we have a massive imbalance in our light nutrition. We aren't outside enough. That's what red light/NIR light therapy attempts to correct.

    And the research is so profound and consistent that you could bottle up red light into a pill, and it would be the best-selling product of all time!

    It's straightforward: 20 minutes a day is all you need. Check out the Wild Light shop to see our recent light models. (link to shop)

    How to choose the most effective natural sleep aid for you

    Natural sleep aids and cures are abundant, but it can be tiresome to know where to begin. Here is some advice to help you choose the most effective option for your needs:

    • Talk to your doctor: Before trying any new supplement or remedy, it's essential to talk to your doctor first, especially if you're taking medications or have any underlying health conditions.
    • Experiment: Natural sleep aids work differently for everyone, so you must experiment with different options until you find the ones that work best.
    • Consider your goals: Different supplements and remedies may be more effective for specific sleep issues, such as difficulty falling or staying asleep. Consider your particular sleep goals when choosing a natural sleep aid.
    • Be patient: Finding the right natural sleep aid may take some time, so be patient and persistent in your search.

    Conclusion: Adopting healthy sleep habits and incorporating natural supplements for better sleep

    While natural sleep aids and remedies can help improve the quality of your sleep, they're only one piece of the puzzle. To truly get the restful, rejuvenating sleep you need, it's also essential to adopt healthy sleep habits.

    This may include:

    • Establishing a consistent sleep schedule
    • Creating a relaxing bedtime routine
    • Avoiding caffeine and alcohol before bedtime
    • Limiting screen time before bedtime
    • Exercising regularly

    By incorporating natural sleep aids and remedies into a healthy sleep routine, you can give your body the support it needs to get the restful, rejuvenating sleep you deserve.

    So try some of the natural sleep aids and remedies mentioned in this guide, and see how they work. Getting a good night's sleep and starting the next day feeling revitalized and prepared is possible.

    It's straightforward: 20 minutes a day is all you need. Check out the Wild Light shop to see our recent light models.

    Meal Preparation for Beginners


    Eating healthy may be a no-brainer, but cooking healthy meals can be daunting. Especially if you're new to the kitchen and need more experience, it can take a lot of work to know where to start. Meal preparation doesn't have to be intimidating, though!

    This blog post will provide helpful tips for beginners on how to get started with meal prepping and create delicious meals without spending hours in the kitchen. We will cover everything from grocery shopping, meal planning, and storage and recipes that are simple enough for even the most inexperienced cooks. Read on for some helpful advice, and get ready to enjoy healthier home-cooked meals in no time!

    What is meal prep?

    Meal prep, short for meal preparation, is the process of planning and preparing meals ahead of time. Meal prep can help you save time and money and eat healthier by cooking at home and packing your meals.

    There are a few different ways to approach meal prep. Some people like to cook all their weekly meals in one day, while others prefer to cook a few days' worths of meals at a time—some meal individuals prep ingredients to put together quick and healthy meals during the week.

    No matter your approach, there are a few essential tips that will make meal-prepping easier. First, make a plan. Decide what you want to cook and when you'll have time to do it. Then, gather your supplies and get organized. Before you begin cooking, be sure you have everything you need.

    Once you start cooking, be efficient with your time. If you're making multiple dishes, cook them concurrently whenever possible. For example, while one word is simmering on the stovetop, chop veggies for another dish or start prepping rice in the rice cooker.

    And finally, once your food is cooked, let it cool completely before storing it in containers. This will help prevent food poisoning and keep your food fresh longer.

    The benefits of meal prep

    Preparing your meals in advance is crucial for healthy eating. Planning and preparing your meals in advance can save time and money while ensuring that you eat nutritious, homemade food.

    Meal prep can help you stick to your diet goals by making it easy to cook healthy meals at home. When you have all the ingredients for a healthy meal, you're less likely to make unhealthy choices or order takeout.

    Meal prep can also save you money. When you prepare meals at home, you have control over the cost of the ingredients and can be creative with the leftovers. Planning can also help you avoid wasting food.

    Finally, meal prep is a great way to ensure you get the nutrients your body needs. By cooking your meals, you can control what goes into them and tailor them to your specific dietary requirements. With some planning, meal prep can help you eat healthier and feel your best.

    How to get started with meal prep

    If you're new to meal prep, the process can seem daunting. But with some planning and basic knowledge, you can make meal prep a breeze. Here's how to get started:

    1. Decide what you want to achieve with meal prep. Whether you're looking to save time and money or eat healthier, having a goal in mind will help you stay on track.

    2. Choose recipes that can be prepped ahead of time. Not all recipes are conducive to meal prep, but plenty can be made in advance. Do a little research and find some recipes that fit your needs.

    3. Make a list of everything you'll need. Once your recipes are selected, list all the ingredients and tools you'll need to prepare them. You can keep organized and save time by doing this instead of making repeated journeys to the store.

    4. Set aside time for meal prep. Block off a few hours on your calendar dedicated solely to meal prep. This will help ensure you have the time to finish everything without feeling rushed.

    5. Get prepping! Follow your recipes and start preparing your meals for the week ahead. If you're batch cooking, cook enough for several days or weeks of meals to reheat and eat as needed.

    6. Store your meals properly. Once your meals are cooked, store them in airtight containers in the fridge or freezer so

    Meal prep recipes

    If you're new to meal prep, the idea of cooking all your meals for the week ahead can seem daunting. But with some planning and simple recipes, meal prep can be easy and stress-free.

    Here are some delicious and healthy meal prep recipes to get you started:

    1. Quinoa Salad with Black Beans and Mango: This hearty salad is perfect for lunch or dinner. It's packed with protein and fiber, and the mango adds a touch of sweetness.

    2. Slow Cooker Chicken Tikka Masala: This Indian-inspired dish is easy to make in the slow cooker. It's full of flavor, and the chicken is nice and tender. For a balanced dinner, serve it with rice or quinoa.

    3. Soba Noodle Bowl with Edamame and Vegetables: This refreshing noodle bowl makes a great light lunch or dinner. The soba noodles are paired with crisp vegetables and edamame for a satisfying meal.

    4. Roasted Salmon with Sweet Potatoes and Broccoli: This one-pan meal is perfect for busy weeknights. The salmon is roasted to perfection, and the sweet potatoes and broccoli make it a well-rounded dish.

    5. Lentil Soup: This soup is so easy to make, and it's packed with nutrient-rich ingredients like lentils, kale, and carrots. It's perfect for a quick lunch or dinner when you need something warm


    Meal preparation can be an excellent way to ensure that you're eating healthy and nutritious meals at home without spending a fortune. With the right tips and strategies, anyone can master meal prepping with ease.

    Planning is critical for successful meal prep, whether preparing weekly breakfasts or doing bulk cooking for later in the week. Try creating a grocery list before shopping and focusing on buying ingredients with multiple uses to get more out of your groceries. You will quickly master meal planning if you take it one step at a time.