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    Natural Energy Supplements To Help Fight Fatigue


    Are you tired of feeling tired? If you're like most people, you may experience fatigue occasionally. But for some people, chronic fatigue is a daily struggle that makes it hard to get things done and lowers the overall quality of life.

    The good news is that there are energy supplements that can help combat fatigue and boost energy levels.

    In this article, we'll talk about the best energy supplements for chronic fatigue and give you some tips on choosing the right supplement for your needs.

    Common Causes of Chronic Fatigue

    Before we talk about the best energy supplements for chronic fatigue, it's essential to know what causes it in the first place.

    Chronic fatigue can be caused by many things, like not getting enough sleep, being stressed, not eating well, or having a health problem like thyroid or anemia.

    In some cases, chronic fatigue may also be a side effect of medication.

    The Role of Energy Supplements in Combating Fatigue

    While many lifestyle changes can help combat chronic fatigue, such as getting enough sleep and reducing stress, energy supplements can also be a helpful tool. Energy supplements, like caffeine and B vitamins, give the body the nutrients it needs to produce energy.

    They can also help improve mental clarity, focus, and mood.

    Types of Energy Supplements

    Energy supplements come in various forms, including pills, powders, and drinks. Pills are the most convenient choice because you can take them anywhere and they usually give you a quick energy boost.

    Powders and beverages can be mixed with water and offer a more customizable dosage. Some energy supplements also come in the form of snacks, such as energy bars.

    Key Ingredients to Look for in Energy Supplements

    When picking an energy supplement, looking for key ingredients that fight fatigue and give you more energy is essential. Caffeine is a common ingredient in energy supplements because it makes you more alert and helps you focus. B vitamins are also necessary, as they are crucial in energy production.

    Other ingredients to look for include taurine, an amino acid that helps improve mental focus, and L-carnitine, which allows the body to produce energy from fat.

    Some energy supplements also have herbal ingredients like ginseng and Ashwagandha, which have been used for centuries to fight fatigue and clear the mind.

    Tried and Tested Energy Supplements for Chronic Fatigue

    Many energy supplements are on the market, but not all are created equal. To help you find the best energy supplements for chronic fatigue, we've compiled a list of our top picks:

    • Wild Oxy-Mag Mineral Blend: Magnesium is so crucial for bodily processes it is directly linked with fatigue. If you're low in magnesium, you will be low energy. This potent blend of magnesium with other essential minerals and electrolytes is an excellent way to optimize minerals and energy.
    • Wild Fish Oil: When your body is in an inflamed state, energy is going to get knocked down. One of the most potent ways to help fight inflammation is omega-3 fish oil tablets. These wild-caught fish oil caps are great for helping you balance out your omega-3 to omega-6 ratio, which in our modern industrialized food landscape, you're always going to be fighting since omega-6 is in everything.
    • Master Blend: A potent blend of potent mushroom extracts, Wild Master Blend gives you all the benefits of functional mushrooms. They also support your gut, where your immune system starts and ends.

    Natural Energy Supplements

    While synthetic energy supplements can be effective, some people prefer to use natural energy supplements as a healthier alternative. Natural energy supplements are typically made from herbs and other plant-based ingredients and can offer similar benefits to synthetic supplements without the risk of side effects.

    Some of the best natural energy supplements include:

    • Rhodiola rosea: This herb has improved mental clarity and reduced fatigue.

    • Rhodiola rosea is an adaptogen plant that grows in cold, mountainous places and has been used for generations to aid with stress management, mental weariness, and physical performance. In one study, researchers evaluated the effects of rhodiola on physical and psychological exhaustion in over 500 persons and found that 8 out of 11 studies supported its favorable benefits on both. Rhodiola was found to be safe with very few side effects. Another review concluded that rhodiola carries a low risk for side effects and may be an effective way to treat various conditions such as anxiety, energy levels, depression, attention deficit disorder (ADD), chronic stress, and exhaustion.

    • The critical ingredient in Rhodiola rosea is rosavin: compounds rich in antioxidants associated with many health benefits like improved cognition, reduced inflammation, and other potential antioxidant benefits. Researchers also suggest that this adaptogen can reduce cortisol levels, often raised due to prolonged periods of stress - helping improve your endocrine system overall. Taking Rhodiola Rosea can help naturally lower mental and physical fatigue while enhancing general well-being. It is ideal for those looking for natural adaptogenic relief from life's daily stressors.

    • Ginger: Ginger has been used for centuries to combat nausea and improve energy levels.

    • Maca root: This root vegetable is rich in vitamins and minerals and has been shown to improve energy levels and reduce fatigue.

    • CoQ10: CoQ10, or coenzyme Q10, is a natural compound in every body cell. It comes in two forms- ubiquinone and ubiquinol- and is an essential factor for cellular energy production and protection from oxidative damage caused by free radicals. CoQ10 is mainly found in the heart, kidneys, and liver. It is essential to the functioning of these organs because cells need it to make energy. As people age, the bodies' levels of CoQ10 naturally decrease, which can affect health by inhibiting the cells from acquiring the necessary fuel to grow and stay healthy. Many studies on CoQ10's possible effects on health have shown that this can tire you. Supplementing with CoQ10 can provide additional protection against free radical damage and benefit those looking to increase stamina, fight off fatigue, or improve overall health status.

    • Ashwagandha: Ashwagandha is an ancient medicinal herb with a long history in India's Ayurveda. It has been used to increase energy, provide resilience against stress and improve overall anxiety levels. According to research at the University of Michigan, people who took Ashwagandha had much less stress and anxiety, and their cortisol levels were 28% lower than those who took a placebo. By looking at the results of five different studies, other studies have also shown that Ashwagandha can reduce stress and anxiety. All five studies found that people who took Ashwagandha supplements did better on tests of stress and tiredness than those who didn't. These findings suggest that Ashwagandha can help to decrease overall mental distress and fatigue when taken regularly over time.

    • Creatine: Creatine is a type of protein found naturally in your muscles. It has become popular in the fitness and sporting world, with many people taking it as a supplement to enhance their workouts. Creatine supplements can help to build muscle mass and improve strength, as well as performance during short-burst, high-intensity exercises like sprints and weightlifting. Research into the effects of creatine supplementation has been mixed, however. Some studies show that people who do hard work get better, but there isn't enough evidence to say that creatine fights fatigue or gives you more energy. As with any supplement, it's best to research and talk to a doctor before starting any new dietary regimen.

    • Zinc: Zinc is an essential mineral vital to general health and well-being. It helps the body produce DNA, is involved in cell growth and maintenance, and boosts the immune system. Because of this, it is essential to keep a healthy zinc level in the body by regularly eating foods high in minerals. Zinc can be found in meats, poultry, seafood, and other sources such as grains or legumes. The recommended daily intake for adult men is 11 milligrams (mg) per day and 8 mg for women. In addition to getting enough zinc through dietary sources, people might supplement their diets with zinc lozenges or pills if their levels are too low. While these can be beneficial when taken as directed, it's important to remember that too much zinc can cause nausea and diarrhea, so these supplements should be used carefully. Ultimately, the best way to ensure you get enough of this vital mineral is to eat a balanced diet with lots of zinc-rich foods.

    • Green Tea and Matcha: Green tea and matcha have been two popular beverages in traditional Asian medicine for centuries. Both of these drinks are made from the leaves of the Camellia sinensis plant and contain various antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals. However, green tea is brewed using the entire leaf, while matcha is made with ground-up green tea leaves mixed with hot water. With natural caffeine and l-theanine, green tea matcha is known for its stimulating and calm energy boost that won't leave you crashing like coffee.

    • Vitamin D: Vitamin D is essential for overall health and can help improve mood and energy levels. (WILDLINK to k2d3) Vitamin D is a vitally important nutrient for maintaining good health and well-being. You are also known as the "sunshine vitamin," this hormone-like vitamin is produced in your body when your skin is exposed to UV rays from sunlight. Vitamin D is found naturally in foods such as fatty fish, egg yolks, and certain fortified dairy products, as well as in the body. Adults should consume at least 600 International Units (IU) of Vitamin D daily to maintain bones healthily and help the body absorb the calcium required for tooth and bone health. Yet, many individuals throughout the globe do not obtain enough vitamin D from their food or sunshine exposure, putting them at risk of insufficiency. This problem is widespread in older individuals or those with darker skin tones which may need more time outdoors or protection from direct sunlight. In the end, getting enough Vitamin D is essential for good health and well-being, so taking preventive steps like getting more Vitamin D from food or taking supplements when needed is best.

    • B vitamins: B vitamins play a crucial role in energy production and can help improve mental clarity and focus. Vitamin B-12 is an essential nutrient pivotal in the body's functioning. It is necessary to produce red blood cells, which are responsible for transporting oxygen throughout the body, and once it reaches the cells, it helps have energy. This is why a deficiency of Vitamin B-12 can cause issues such as fatigue, weakness, or weight loss; consuming enough of this nutrient is crucial for optimal health.

    In addition to its role in energy production and maintaining a healthy immune system, Vitamin B-12 also helps to support neurological function. Therefore, deficiency problems like nerve damage and numbness of hands or feet may occur due to a lack of vitamin B-12 consumption.

    Vegetarians and vegans who eat less fish, meat, and dairy products, which usually have a lot of vitamin B-12 in them, are more likely to have low levels of this vitamin. In the same way, older people and people with digestive disorders may not be able to absorb as much from their food.

    This is because conditions like helicobacter pylori and celiac disease cause the digestive juices not to work as well.

    Additional Benefits of Energy Supplements

    In addition to combating fatigue and improving energy levels, energy supplements can offer other benefits, such as stress relief and improved mood.

    Many energy supplements, like L-theanine and Ashwagandha, have ingredients that help reduce stress and anxiety.

    Some accessories also have elements that enhance mood, like 5-HTP, which allows the brain to make more serotonin.

    Tips for Choosing the Best Energy Supplements for Your Needs

    With so many energy supplements on the market, knowing which one to choose is difficult. Here are some pointers to help you select the finest energy pills for you:

    • Read the Label: Look for supplements that contain vital ingredients such as caffeine, B vitamins, and amino acids.
    • Consider your Needs: Do you need a quick energy boost, or are you looking for a supplement that can help improve mental focus?
    • Examine for Adverse Effects: Certain energy pills might induce nervousness or sleeplessness. If you have concerns, read the label carefully and visit your doctor.

    Frequently Asked Questions on Natural Energy Supplements to Help Fight Fatigue

    What is chronic fatigue, and what are the common causes of it?

    Chronic fatigue is characterized by persistent exhaustion and low energy levels that interfere with daily activities. It can be caused by several factors, including not getting enough sleep, being stressed, not eating well, or having a health problem like thyroid or anemia.

    How can energy supplements help combat fatigue?

    Energy supplements provide the body with essential nutrients, like caffeine and B vitamins, which are crucial in energy production. They can also improve mental clarity, focus, and mood.

    What are the key ingredients to look for in energy supplements?

    When picking an energy supplement, looking for key ingredients that fight fatigue and give you more energy is essential. Caffeine is a common ingredient in energy supplements because it makes you more alert and helps you focus. B vitamins are also necessary, as they are crucial in energy production. Other ingredients to look for include taurine, an amino acid that helps improve mental focus, and L-carnitine, which allows the body to produce energy from fat.

    What are some tried and tested energy supplements for chronic fatigue?

    Some of the best energy supplements for chronic fatigue include Wild Oxy-Mag Mineral Blend, Wild Fish Oil, Master Blend, Rhodiola rosea, ginger, Maca root, CoQ10, Ashwagandha, creatine, zinc, green tea, and matcha.

    Are there any natural energy supplements?

    Natural energy supplements are typically made from herbs and other plant-based ingredients and can offer similar benefits to synthetic supplements without the risk of side effects. Some of the best natural energy supplements include Rhodiola rosea, ginger, Maca root, CoQ10, Ashwagandha, green tea, and matcha.

    What are the additional benefits of energy supplements?

    In addition to combating fatigue and improving energy levels, energy supplements can offer other benefits, such as stress relief and improved mood.

    How can I choose the best energy supplement for my needs?

    To choose the best energy supplement, read the label carefully, consider your needs, and examine for adverse effects. Look for supplements that contain vital ingredients such as caffeine, B vitamins, and amino acids.

    Are energy supplements safe to take?

    Energy supplements are generally safe to take, but it's essential to read the label carefully and visit your doctor if you have any concerns.

    Can energy supplements replace a healthy diet and lifestyle?

    No, energy supplements should not replace a healthy diet and lifestyle. Instead, they should be used as a helpful tool to combat chronic fatigue.

    Are natural energy supplements better than synthetic supplements? 

    It depends on your needs and preferences. Natural energy supplements are typically made from herbs and other plant-based ingredients and can offer similar benefits to synthetic supplements without the risk of side effects. However, synthetic supplements can be more potent and effective in some cases. Researching and talking to a doctor before starting any new dietary regimen is best.


    Related Studies on Natural Energy Supplements to Help Fight Fatigue

    "Rhodiola rosea for physical and mental fatigue: a systematic review." 

    In this systematic review, researchers evaluated the effects of Rhodiola rosea on physical and mental exhaustion in over 500 persons. They found that 8 out of 11 studies supported its favorable benefits on both. Rhodiola rosea is an adaptogen plant that grows in cold, mountainous places and has been used for generations to aid with stress management, mental weariness, and physical performance.
    Link: https://doi.org/10.1186/1472-6882-12-70

    "Effects of Adaptogens on the Central Nervous System and the Molecular Mechanisms Associated with Their Stress—Protective Activity." 

    This study provides an overview of adaptogens, which help the body cope with stress and maintain homeostasis. The study highlights the beneficial effects of adaptogens on the central nervous system and the molecular mechanisms associated with their stress-protective activity.
    Link: https://doi.org/10.3109/13880200903178401

    "A systematic review of randomized controlled trials examining the effectiveness of saffron (Crocus sativus L.) on psychological and behavioral outcomes." 

    This systematic review examines the effectiveness of saffron (Crocus sativus L.) on psychological and behavioral outcomes. The study found that saffron supplementation may positively affect mood, anxiety, and other behavioral outcomes.
    Link: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jnutbio.2014.11.003

    "Coenzyme Q10 and Physical Performance." 

    This study investigates the effects of coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) on physical performance. The results showed that CoQ10 supplementation improved exercise performance and reduced fatigue in healthy individuals and those with various health conditions.
    Link: https://doi.org/10.3390/nu8010029

    "The effects of Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera) on physical fitness and cognitive function in healthy volunteers: a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial." 

    This study investigates the effects of Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera) on healthy volunteers' physical fitness and cognitive function. The results showed that Ashwagandha supplementation improved cardiorespiratory endurance, muscle strength, and cognitive function in healthy individuals.
    Link: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jep.2015.07.055


    Chronic fatigue can be a frustrating and debilitating condition. Still, with the help of energy supplements, it's possible to say goodbye to fatigue and hello to improved energy levels, focus, and mood.

    Whether you choose a synthetic supplement or a natural alternative, look for key ingredients such as caffeine, B vitamins, and amino acids to get the best results. With the right energy supplement, you can take your productivity and overall quality of life to the next level.

    Are you looking for the best energy supplements for chronic fatigue? Check out our natural whole food sourced foods and accessories in the Wild online shop

    The MCT Guide

    cooking oil

    "Coconut oil, being a highly saturated fat, is the least vulnerable of all the dietary oils to oxidation and free-radical formation and therefore is the safest to use in cooking."

    ― Bruce Fife, The Coconut Oil Miracle

    There's a lot of hype about MCT oil these days. The claimed health benefits seem almost too good to be true.

    Lucky for us, MCT oil has caught the interest of scientists and researchers who set out to test these claims and, in the process, discovered a mountain of benefits.

    MCT oil helps maintain a healthy weight, reduces fatigue and brain fog, and improves mood and overall energy.

    It is important to note that not all MCT oil is created equal. When purchasing a high-quality MCT supplement, it's essential to differentiate the good from the bad.

    While seemingly beneficial, poor-quality MCT cannot deliver the same results as high-quality MCT.

    Whether trying to boost your energy, manage your weight, or simply wondering what the buzz about MCT oil is, our Wild Guide to MCT oil will answer all your questions.

    Let's learn about this fantastic oil, shall we?

    What Does MCT Stand for?

    "MCT" stands for medium-chain triglyceride, a saturated fatty acid named for the length of its carbon chains.

    Triglycerides are one of the main components of body fat in humans, animals, and vegetable fat. These fats are most notably found in the white, fleshy part of the coconut, palm kernel oil, and many dairy products.

    Triglycerides are also found in the blood and enable the transfer of fats and glucose to and from the liver. This small compound plays a massive part in creating healthy skin oils and helping your body function properly daily.

    In addition, your brain also thrives off this type of fat, making it the perfect 'brain food' - helping you think more clearly and remember things longer. Medium-chain triglycerides have even improved brain function in Alzheimer's patients.

    Triglycerides comprise two simple but different parts: a glycerol backbone and three (or more) fatty acids. MCTs have heavy acid chains that contain a medium length of carbon (6-12 carbon chains). 

    This performs more complicated tasks within the body that short-chain fatty acids are otherwise incapable of completing (such as eliminating excess body fat.)


    What Is MCT Oil?

    MCT oil is derived from coconuts but differs (compositionally) from other MCT sources (such as refined coconut oil).

    It is essential to understand what goes into the structure of your MCT oil and how to determine the best quality among them.

    Not only does this give you a better understanding of what to look for in a product, but it also helps you understand how the oil works. This is oversimplified, but overall: the shorter the chain, the simpler the compound. 

    A shorter chain means your body can process and metabolize the fatty acid more quickly than a longer chain.

    Below are the standard medium-chain fatty acids found in MCT Oil.

    Medium Chain Fatty Acids

    ​Caproic Acid (C6)

    ​This fatty acid is a colorless and oily liquid with an odor reminiscent of goat cheese, fats, and waxiness. It is naturally found in animal oils and fats such as milk and cream and in plant matter such as vanilla and coconut.

    Caprylic Acid (C8)

    This fatty acid is an oily, colorless liquid with an unpleasant, rancid-smelling odor. It is naturally found in animal milk and plants, such as coconut and palm kernel oils.

    Capric Acid (C10)

    This fatty acid has a white, crystalline structure with a strong, unpleasant odor reminiscent of sweat and goats. It is naturally found in animal milk, coconut, and palm kernel oils.

    Lauric Acid (C12)

    This fatty acid has a white, powdery appearance with an odor reminiscent of bay leaves or oils. Lauric acid may also be listed as "dodecanoic acid" in some products. This fatty acid is found in a variety of milk from humans, goats, cows, and other mammals. It is also found in various plants, such as coconut milk, coconut oil, laurel (bay) oil, and pumpkins.

    It's no secret that fatty acids are good for you, and since these MCTs are readily utilized (even before being broken down), they are not readily stored as body fat (like long-chain triglycerides). These fatty acids have even been shown to burn fat stores and lower overall caloric consumption, a primary struggle for many dieters.

    This process starts with the digestion of fatty acids. These medium-chain fatty acids are digested and absorbed into the liver, activating a 'thermogenic' effect.

    This thermogenic action happens when your body 'burns' the fuel you've given it – in this case, medium chain fatty acids – creating heat and energy. This heat and power increases your metabolic system and effectively burns excess body fat cells.

    How Is MCT Oil Made?

    ​MCT oil is a concentrated product that separates these fatty acid chains from coconut or palm kernel oil (in some cases).

    ​This methodology involves controlling the temperature of oils and isolating the medium-chain triglycerides from the coconut through fractionation. Some compounds are partially crystallized, and the remaining liquid is separated from the solids through filtration or centrifuge.

    You'll find that MCT oil can include any number of medium-chain fatty acids, often only two or three, and sometimes all four. The number of medium-chain fatty acids contained in the oil is determined by the quality of the manufacturer's fractionation process.

    MCT Oil vs. Coconut Oil

    ​The main difference between MCT oil and coconut oil is their chemical composition. Each is beneficial and miraculous in its own right, but it serves different functions for different purposes.

    ​Coconut oil contains a wide variety of short and long-chain triglycerides and other compounds, making it more complex for your body to metabolize and break down. 

    Coconut oil contains over 50% medium-chain triglycerides, most of which are lauric acids.

    ​The high concentration of lauric acid is why coconut oil is more beneficial for antimicrobial and antibacterial purposes. These properties are also why coconut oil is widely used in hair and skin products.

    The average composition of coconut oil looks much like this:

    • Caprylic acid (C8): 5-8%
    • Capric acid (C10): 6-9%
    • Lauric acid (C12): 44-55%
    • Longer fatty acids (C14 and above): 12-40%

    As stated previously, most of the MCT content in coconut oil comes from lauric acid, followed by long-chain fatty acids, and finished with low levels of caprylic and capric acid.

    Some believe lauric acid doesn't qualify as a "true MCT" because it breaks down slower than C6, C8, and C10, so the benefits are lost without higher amounts of short-chain fatty acids.

    The average MCT oil composition looks much like this:

    • Caproic acid (C6): 1-2%
    • Caprylic acid (C8): 65-75%
    • Capric acid (C10): 25-35%
    • Lauric acid (C12): 1-2%

    ​The volume of lauric acid is minimal (and commonly removed) in the composition of MCT oil. Lauric acid is found in other sources like vegetables, herbs, and milk. This decrease in lauric acid is why many sources believe MCT oil is not a replacement for coconut oil but an addition to your diet.

    The debate over the legitimacy of lauric acid being a true medium-chain triglyceride is because some claim it behaves as a long-chain fatty acid. 

    However, truthfully it's still within the threshold to be considered a medium-chain triglyceride. While the longest MCT comes in at 12 carbon atoms, lauric acid is just at the cutoff and is, in fact, an actual medium-chain fatty acid.

    palm oil

    MCT vs. Palm Kernel Oil

    Much debate has been over whether palm kernel oil is better or worse for you than coconut oil when ingesting MCT oil. In reality, the end product is the same, and take note that palm kernel oil is not the same as palm oil (which comes from the outer shell of the palm instead of the kernel.)

    Palm oil is much cheaper/more accessible for some manufacturers to produce and is often processed using high-heat chemical means that threaten to degrade the final raw ingredient.

    Regarding palm sourcing, we feel strongly about conscious consumerism at Wild Foods. And how that applies to something like the deforestation of palm forests in Asia is thus: Simply not buying palm products will not elicit change in the palm industry.

    The way to encourage sustainable and long-term protection of our valuable environment is by supporting the producers (usually smaller ones) that do things correctly.

    When you buy from these producers, you support farmers who invest in their farms and the crops they grow while also allowing them to constantly improve their crops/land/soil and infrastructure, which will result in a net positive benefit to the environment.

    Our Wild mission is to support these quality producers so they can turn around and support us and our world!

    Food vs. MCT Oil

    MCFAs are essential, healthy fats that are digested quickly and processed in the liver, which induces a thermogenic effect. This thermogenic effect heats the compounds and turns them into energy, which your body then utilizes as 'fuel' called ketones for your liver, blood, cardiovascular system, brain, and other vital organs.

    Like everything else, MCT oil has an origin. The source of MCT oil comes straight from many of the same foods we eat daily.

    Other sources of MCFAs—medium chain fatty acids:

    Coconut Oil

    Coconut oil contains approximately 14% medium chain fatty acids (MCFAs) by weight.

    Palm Kernel Oil

    Palm kernel oil contains about 7.2% MCFAs by weight.


    Cheese contains approximately 7.3% MCFAs by weight.


    Butter contains about 9.2% MCFAs by weight.


    Goat's milk contains about 6.9% MCFAs by weight.


    Yogurt contains about 6.6% MCFAs by weight.

    The MCFAs you get from these foods are often paired with long-chain triglycerides and short-chain triglycerides, meaning your body will take longer to digest and metabolize these fats than pure MCT oil (which is one of the benefits of MCT oil).

    MCT oil will not degrade over time as yogurt or milk will—it is exceptionally shelf-stable and requires no refrigeration.

    Furthermore, MCT oil is utilized by the body more quickly and efficiently than solid foods such as cheese or yogurt.

    Even still, since many of the foods that contain MCFAs also contain dairy, people who are lactose intolerant won't get as many MCFAs as their body needs to properly metabolize fats from their liver and keep their brain working in top-notch conditions. 

    MCT oil is a fantastic way to compensate for the nutrients your body lacks through dietary restrictions such as lactose intolerance.

    Benefits of MCT Oil in Coffee

    We often put sugar or other sweeteners in our coffee, cream, or milk. Some even add other flavorings like cinnamon for a delicious twist. What else can you put in your coffee? MCT oil.

    When you put MCT oil in your coffee, it is often referred to as keto coffee and is one of the more popular ways to consume MCT oil for those following a low-carb and high-fat ketogenic diet. 

    Also known as bulletproof coffee or butter coffee, it helps you reach and stay in ketosis while drastically reducing your carb intake and increasing the healthy fats in your keto diet. In this case, instead of adding butter to your coffee, you would add MCT oil. 

    Here are some of the benefits of MCT oil in your coffee:

    • It doesn't contribute carbs or fats but supplies extra ketone production to provide energy and supercharge the fat-burning process.
    • It has been shown to increase hormone release and stimulate a feeling of fullness.
    • Increases metabolic rate
    • Suppresses appetite
    • It helps reduce insulin resistance in the body.
    • Helps reduce inflammation
    • Improves mental clarity and cognitive functions
    • Burns calories

    MCT oil coffee gives you that burst of energy to get you through your day and provides numerous health benefits to improve other areas of your life. 

    The recommended amount of MCT oil to add to your coffee is 1 to 2 tablespoons. However, if you start with MCT oil, you want to start with a smaller amount (one teaspoon) and see how well it is tolerated. 

    Adding MCT oil to your morning coffee is also best because it will help you stay fuller throughout the day, aid your weight loss goals, and help you steer clear of disease. 

    MCT Oil Benefits for Health 

    There are a variety of health benefits associated with consuming MCT oil. Medium-chain fatty acids (MCFAs) are quickly metabolized in the body compared to long-chain fatty acids, making them a portion of veritable brain food. It also plays a vital role in the cognitive function of memory-impaired adults.

    The MCFAs found in MCT oil are beneficial for various health issues and bodily functions. Some of these studies have used MCFAs from virgin coconut oil as source material for testing.

    Since virgin coconut oil is, on average, composed of over 50% medium-chain triglycerides, it's no wonder many people love MCT oil as a supplement.

    Below are a few of the many benefits found from the daily use of MCT oil.

    MCT May Help "Brain Fog' and Help Fight Fatigue

    We all face mid-day fatigue and the unwelcome "brain fog" occasionally.

    MCT may help.

    Scientists studying the relationship between MCFAs and the brain have found that the human brain loves ketones.

    Ketones are produced when your liver metabolizes MCFAs into heat and energy. Usually, your brain feeds off of glucose like the rest of your body. 

    Still, if your brain isn't getting enough healthy glucose or your insulin is too low to respond to the glucose in your system, ketones can come in as the special ops backup to keep you fueled and functioning.

    There may be evidence that this process of keto utilization may help Alzheimer's patients recover their cognitive function.

    Ketones are rapidly energized, giving you a quick boost for mid-day fatigue, which is one of the benefits of using MCT oil in your coffee since it helps fight the "midday slump."

    MCT May Balance Your Hormones

    If you have trouble keeping your hormone levels in check, MCFAs are lovely for balancing your hormone levels

    Some of the fatty acids you get from your MCT oil will be saturated fats, which may help your body naturally balance your hormones.

    MCT May Improve Mood

    We all want a better mood throughout the day.

    Many people who take MCT oil report a boost in their overall mood. While this is harder to prove scientifically, given how little we know about the brain and the lack of research on philosophy and MCT oil, it's something you may want to experiment with yourself.

    MCT May Improve Your Immune System

    While the direct effects MCT oil has on your immune system need more research, what researchers do know is that MCT oil is an excellent antibacterial agent that can help you fight off the common cold and other types of bacterial and viral infections.

    MCT oil is also an excellent fuel replacement for your body, replacing sugars with ketone-producing MCFAs. Since many bacteria feed off sugars, reducing sugar can starve bacteria out of your body.

    Plus, we must curb sugar from our diet as often as possible

    Alzheimer's and Dementia

    ​In recent research, scientists have discovered that the brain creates its insulin.

    Since insulin's job is to process glucose and provide energy to the surrounding cells, we know that this brain-produced insulin exists to provide the brain with energy and help it function.

    When Alzheimer's develops, the brain loses its ability to create insulin. There is a blossoming promise for the ketones produced by MCT oil to potentially ease and reverse the symptoms of Alzheimer's disease, increasing cognitive function. 

    Quite a few studies have already been done on the subject and have shown significant promise.

    MCT and Liver Health

    ​Numerous studies have been done on how MCFAs, most notably in their raw form from coconuts, affect the liver and kidneys.

    There is significant evidence that MCFAs help protects your liver from damage, toxins coming into your body, or the inability to process toxins. 

    One study even concluded that MCT oil added as a dietary supplement "could be utilized as a potential treatment" for "non-alcoholic fatty liver disease."

    MCT and Inflammation

    ​Arthritis is a common ailment in many countries, most commonly affecting the hands and wrists. This condition is characterized by an inflammation of the body's joints, initially caused by a low amount of protective cartilage tissue between these joints.

    The medium-chain triglycerides found in coconut oil are linked to natural anti-inflammatories, which may help reduce the inflammation of your joints and lessen arthritis pains.

    MCT and Cancer Research

    Cancer is one of the most studied medical conditions, so it's no surprise that scientists have investigated whether MCT oil may affect treating the disease.

    By elevating ketone count, MCT oil may be effective for treating cancerous tumors in combination with standard medical treatment. 

    One study suggests this may be useful as it affects "tumor glucose metabolism and growth while maintaining the patient's nutritional status."

    Another study suggested that substituting long-chain triglycerides with medium-chain triglycerides may be highly beneficial to the body in preventing tumor growth.

    MCT and Athletic Stamina

    ​MCFAs are incredibly easy for your body to digest and provide longer, sustained energy when burned in the liver. This burning creates a thermogenic effect which increases your metabolism and converts the molecules into an energy source for your body.

    Many athletes and marathon runners will use MCT oil as a stamina booster, especially during training for long-distance events.

    MCT and Candida Yeast

    ​Candida yeast is one of the most common types of yeast and is found naturally in the human body. An overgrowth of this yeast can lead to bad breath, digestive issues, stomach cramps, rashes, or yeast infections.

    There are several antifungal products available on the market. However, over the years, there has been evidence that this yeast strain is becoming more resistant to antifungal and fungicidal medications.

    Luckily, to help combat this, scientists have taken coconut oil and conducted multiple studies on its potential antifungal properties. 

    Positive results have been concluded, and coconut oil has been shown to reduce the population of Candida yeast. It is speculated that this is due to the medium-chain triglycerides present in coconut oil, with the average coconut containing over 50% medium-chain triglycerides.

    MCT and Osteoporosis

    ​A few studies have been done on the effects medium-chain triglycerides may have on bones, specifically when it comes to osteoporosis.

    Unfortunately, while insufficient evidence provides conclusive results, MCT may help strengthen bones combined with existing osteoporosis treatments.

    MCT and Type II Diabetes

    ​Whether you've been diagnosed with Type II Diabetes or are at risk for diabetes – something doctors call 'prediabetic' – MCT oil may help.

    The precursor to diabetes is when your body no longer appropriately responds to the insulin produced inside the body. This lack of response inhibits your body's ability to utilize glucose as an energy source, making your cells insulin-resistant. 

    Your body responds to this by producing more insulin because it is not receiving the energy it needs, and it can create a cycle of overproduction and resistance.

    Luckily, there is evidence that the MCFAs found in MCT oil can lessen and even improve Type II Diabetes and prediabetes. This is all thanks to the ketones produced when MCFAs metabolize in your liver. These ketones have shown a significant potential for inhibiting the rise of glucose in the plasma.

    MCT Oil for Skin

    MCT oil contains lauric acid, a common ingredient often used to treat certain skin diseases and conditions. Lauric acid has many antimicrobial properties that help with acne-prone skin and irritation while allowing you to maintain a healthy scalp and fight off dandruff. 

    Read on for a more detailed look at the health benefits of MCT oil for the skin.

    MCT and Skin Conditions such as Eczema, Dermatitis, and Dandruff

    ​Atopic dermatitis, or eczema, is chronic skin inflammation causing it to appear red and scaly over any body part. 

    Scientists have studied multiple possibilities for "holistically" improving the condition, including positive results from virgin coconut oil.

    Virgin coconut oil was "superior to mineral oil in all objectives." Due to virgin coconut oil being composed of 50% medium chain triglycerides, it is speculated that this causes the improvement. 

    Coconut oil successfully moisturized the affected area as an antibacterial, antimicrobial, and anti-inflammatory agent.

    MCT Oil as a Moisturizer

    When used on the body, MCT oil makes a great moisturizer. It leaves your skin feeling silky and soft and is good to use after shaving. Apply the MCT oil to your skin after your shower or a bath. You can lock in the moisture it provides as you hydrate your skin.

    Since MCT fractionated oil has a lower comedogenic score, it will not clog your pores like pure coconut oil could. 

    MCT oil can also be used in aromatherapy and massage applications. The oil is the carrier for the essential oil you wish to use. MCT oil is colorless and odorless and has the ideal fat content. 

    How to Use MCT Oil for Weight Loss

    MCT oil has been shown to induce thermogenesis or heat generation in the body. This helps you burn fat and reduce weight when you are dieting. When learning how to use MCT oil for weight loss, one of the most asked questions is when is the right time of the day to take it? 

    Taking your MCT oil for weight loss in the morning is best because it helps you burn more calories throughout the day, allowing you to lose more weight. 

    When you take it too late into the day or the evening, you may have trouble sleeping because MCT oil gives you a burst of energy. 

    MCT and Healthy Body Weight Through Appetite

    Medium-chain fatty acids, or MCFAs, are digested by the body and absorbed by the liver before they go through the intestines. In the liver, they create a thermogenic effect, creating heat and energy and essentially 'burning' stored body fat and stimulating your metabolic system.

    A study published in 1984 states that a single injection of capric acid in a rat resulted in "an initially rapid, then a gradual decrease in food consumption and parallel loss of body weight."

    This is fantastic news, especially for dieters with difficulty stopping when full. Adjusting to an appropriate level of food consumption is incredibly healthy for your body and will help you maintain healthy body weight and appetite.

    This is thanks to capric acid's ability to improve thyroid function and assist your body in burning fats for energy.

    This fat burning is activated by breaking fat cells that mimic beneficial and necessary fasting. This fasting occurs when your body uses energy reserves efficiently and speeds up the breakdown of useless, stored fats, such as excess body fat.

    Medium chain fatty acids increase your "good" cholesterol levels—HDL. These fats help convert your bad cholesterol, known as LDL, into HDL.

    Increasing the level of good cholesterol in your body helps lower your risk of cardiovascular disease, the number one leading cause of death in America.

    1 in 4 deaths in the United States is due to heart disease or other cardiovascular issues, so it's essential to understand the warning signs of a heart attack and cardiovascular problems and to take steps to prevent and treat these conditions with food and lifestyle.

    MCT and Muscle Building

    ​People worldwide take MCT oil to help them build muscle, whether they're bodybuilders, weight lifters, or want to get fit.

    While MCT oil suppresses excess body fat, which can help muscle growth, people have wondered if MCT oil directly aids muscle growth.

    Scientists have found a spike in HGH (Human Growth Hormones) for up to two hours after ingesting MCT oil. A natural way to spike HGH is fantastic.

    No one can completely stop the effects and signs of aging, but scientists have discovered that taking MCT oil daily may prevent the signs of early aging.

    As we age, our arteries harden and lose their previous elasticity. By taking MCT oil daily, we can help stabilize our body weight to a low, healthy baseline and positively influence these arteries, slowing the hardening and loss of elasticity.

    How to Use MCT Oil for Pulling and Tooth Decay

    ​Oil pulling is becoming popular in several modern countries but has been practiced for centuries in many places, such as India. Oil pulling involves taking an organic oil and vigorously swishing it in the mouth for 3-5 minutes.

    The idea behind oil pulling is that the medicinal properties and benefits of specific oils, including coconut oil, will coat the mouth and remove harmful bacteria from between teeth, under the tongue, and other places inside the mouth.

    The subject of oil pulling still needs to be researched enough to keep it from being recommended as a mainstream alternative or even an addition to modern oral hygiene practices. 

    However, many studies and overviews have analyzed the effects of oil pulling. Scientists have found positive results in tests concerning plaque and reducing the Streptococcus strain of bacteria in the mouth.

    How Much MCT Oil Per Day?

    In the United States alone, the average consumption of medium-chain fatty acids is roughly 2% of an American's fat intake, which is surprisingly low.

    Now, you may be new to adding MCT oil to your diet, or you may have been using pre-measured capsules or packets up to this point and are wondering what your dosage should be.

    Of course, results vary from person to person, and much depends on your goals, but we recommend 1-2 tablespoons of MCT oil per day.

    You can add MCT oil to your diet to achieve various benefits, whether on a bulletproof or paleo diet, and want the nutritional benefits or looking for something to boost your weight loss. 

    You may need some help getting into ketosis or to help you maintain your keto diet. Whatever the case, MCT is a uniquely versatile workhorse of an ingredient.

    Many studies currently available state that further research is needed to conclude a daily recommended intake of MCT oil because it is hard to establish a median dose.

    That said, we are big proponents of self-experimentation. It's amazing what you can do when you treat your body and health like a controlled experiment.

    Try a small amount each day and gauge the results. Then increase the dose slowly. Try a bit in your morning coffee or when making a Wild Butter Brew shake. Use a tsp for cooking some scrambled eggs. And so on. The options are limitless.

    With MCT oil, you have to be careful with the dose because if you are not used to taking it (especially on an empty stomach), you may experience side effects of nausea and diarrhea.

    I recommend that individuals use it with other foods since that offers a buffer to their gut and does not cause adverse side effects compared to taking the oil alone.

    MCT Oil Side Effects

    While MCT oil has several benefits, as you can see, there are still some side effects you should be aware of, mainly if you have never used it. 

    Some side effects you may experience include flatulence, diarrhea, stomach pain, and bloating. For this reason, you should start with just a teaspoon of MCT oil and then work your way up once you see how your body tolerates it. 

    If you continue experiencing gastrointestinal problems and other gut health issues, including nausea or cramping, you want to reduce the amount of MCT oil you take daily. 

    If you have liver problems or diabetes, you want to avoid using any MTC supplement because the liver processes the MCTs, which can cause severe problems in people with liver disease. 

    If you have uncontrolled diabetes, MCT oil can increase the formation of ketones and worsen complications. 


    How Do I Know My MCT Oil Is High Quality?

    ​When determining a particular MCT oil batch's purity, you can often look at the ingredients label and see the listed medium-chain triglycerides. 

    Ideally, your MCT oil won't have additives or preservatives, and the packaging should be transparent about the source of the MCFAs (whether it's coming from coconuts, palm kernel oil, or from a variety of sources.)

    Always ensure that the manufacturer you purchase from is responsible and has a record of providing quality products year-round.

    Of course, always consult your doctor before altering your diet or taking a new supplement, especially if you have or are at risk for any medical conditions.

    "Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food."

    — Hippocrates