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    A Guide To Turkey Tail Mushroom Benefits

    A Guide To Turkey Tail Mushroom Benefits

    Harvested in high-altitude mountain regions, turkey tail mushrooms are often used to assist in helping modulate the immune system and reduce inflammation.

    Turkey tail are native to Europe, Asia, and North America, but can be found all over the world within woodland environments, growing on dead logs. They are called turkey tail due to their brown and tan rings that mimic the tail of a turkey.

    Turkey Tail mushrooms have been researched extensively for their medicinal properties. People have been using mushrooms for centuries to remedy various illnesses and maladies. They have been chopped, ground, chewed, boiled, brewed into tea, and mixed into food, to help with everything from the common cold to fatigue.

    Turkey Tail Mushroom Benefits

    There are many benefits when it comes to consuming and incorporating Turkey Tail into your daily diet. Here are some of those benefits.

    May help treat the common cold

    Turkey Tail helps your immune system to become more resilient against ill-causing germs by modulating the immune system, helping to fight infections, and build up a tolerance to illness.

    This mushroom has strong anti-microbial properties that allow your immune system to become stronger.

    Enhances Overall Gut Health

    By improving gut bacteria composition and reducing inflammation both internally and externally. Turkey Tail mushrooms consist of prebiotics and anti-inflammatory properties, which help nourish good bacteria and reduce potentially harmful bacteria.

    Having a healthy gut improves intestinal symptoms (like diarrhea), enhances the immune system, reduces cholesterol levels, lowers the risk of certain cancers, and improves digestion.

    May help reduce risk of diabetes

    By lowering the level of glucose in the body, the consumption of Turkey Tail mushrooms decreased the glucose concentration in the blood and decreased weight gain.

    Turkey tail helps your body regulate blood sugars throughout the body by reducing insulin resistance.

    Aids in Digestion

    Mycelium (part of the mushroom) is what contributes to a smoother digestion process. The prebiotic properties of the mushroom assist in the microbiome, meaning it helps grow good bacteria within the body.

    Is Packed with Antioxidants

    Antioxidants are compounds that help inhibit or reduce damage caused by oxidative stress, which results from an imbalance between antioxidants and free radicals. An imbalance between the two can cause cellular damage, internal inflammation, and developing health conditions (such as certain cancers and heart disease).

    Being rich in antioxidants, has many benefits including the aid in protection from the sun, blocking harmful free radicals, and being rich in Vitamin E.

    Contains Immune-Boosting Properties

    These powerful immune-boosting properties are protein-bound polysaccharides, which increase the production of monocytes – white blood cells that fight infection and boost immunity.

    Helps Protect the Liver

    Turkey Tail’s antibacterial and antioxidant properties help protect one of our most important organs: the liver.

    The liver protects, purifies, and produces important hormones, enzymes, and antibodies for important systems throughout our bodies, making it a key player to our immune system.

    Is Known to Help Improve Athletic Performance

    By improving exercise performance and reducing fatigue. It has also proven to lower blood sugar levels when at rest and post-exercise.

    Ways to Use Turkey Tail Mushroom Supplements

    Here are the ways to add turkey tail mushrooms to your diet.

    • Fresh
    • Cooked
    • Turkey Tail Extract (in the form of a powder, but are more potent than simple     turkey tail powders)
    • Turkey Tail Powder
    • Turkey Tail Tincture (a liquid format)

    Since Turkey Tail mushrooms have a mild taste, you can add them to just about anything without even noticing!

    Turkey Tail Mushroom Tea Recipe

    • 8 ounces Hot Water
    • ½ tsp Wild Shroom #3 Turkey Tail Mushroom Extract Powder
    • 3 slices Lemon
    • ½ tsp Raw Honey
    • Cinnamon pinch
    • Splash of Almond or Coconut Milk, optional
    1. Combine the mushrooms, lemon slices, honey, and Turmeric in a cup.
    2. Heat water until steaming.
    3. Pour it into the cup and cover to steep for 3 minutes.
    4. Stir and sprinkle with cinnamon. Enjoy!

    Turkey Tail Mushroom Coffee

    1. Brew your coffee.
    2. Add in the mushroom powder, cocoa butter, and MCT
    3. Blend until frothy
    4. Enjoy!

    Commonly Asked Questions

    What does Turkey Tail mushroom taste like?

    It has a mild taste and is considered rather chewy.

    What are the side effects of Turkey Tail?

    Diarrhea darkened stools and darkened nail pigmentation have been reported with high doses of turkey tail. Turkey tail products have been safely consumed at doses of 1-3 grams per day by many long term research participants.

    Is Turkey Tail good for cancer?

    Turkey Tail has been shown to significantly extend survival at five years or beyond in cancers of the stomach, colon/rectum, esophagus, and lung in Japanese trials since 1970. What makes these mushroom compounds so unique and useful is that they can be combined with conventional treatments like chemo.

    Is Turkey Tail good for dogs?

    This holistic approach can benefit all dogs. Turkey tail contains beta-glucan polysaccharides, which may help to reduce bacterial infections.

    What is the best way to use Turkey Tail?

    We recommend adding it to your morning coffee, daily smoothie, or even mixing it into your dinner. Turkey Tail has minimal taste, so you can add it to everything!

    How is Turkey Tail extracted? Are there chemicals used?

    Turkey Tail is extracted using water, no chemicals. It is triple water extracted.

    Egg White Protein vs Yolks

    Egg White Protein vs Yolks

    Eggs are a small but mighty source of protein.

    A large egg has about 6 grams of protein, and nearly a third of that is in the yolk.

    Egg whites are mostly water and contain little to no carbs or fat, so all of their protein is found in the yolk. But don't ditch those whites just yet!

    Egg whites provide many essential nutrients, including selenium, vitamin D, B vitamins, zinc, and copper. So how do you know which to eat more often?

    The answer likely depends on your diet and goals. However, if you want to increase your intake of vitamins and minerals in the yolk (like folate and choline), eating both is probably the way to go!

    What's so great about egg protein?

    Egg protein powders are often a go-to for athletes, fitness-minded individuals, and anyone looking to increase daily protein intake. That's because egg protein has a high biological value (more on below), it's affordable, and a serving size is easy to measure and fit into a daily routine.

    You can add egg whites to smoothies, pancakes, baked goods, and even water or tea.

    Egg protein is also complete because it contains all nine essential amino acids. These amino acids are the building blocks of protein and are necessary for repairing and rebuilding muscle, synthesizing neurotransmitters, and supporting healthy metabolic function.

    How do you benefit from eating eggs?

    Including eggs in your diet has many benefits, especially if you want to increase your daily protein intake. As mentioned above, eggs are a complete protein source, containing all nine essential amino acids.

    You're likely familiar with the importance of protein in muscle building and retention, but it also plays a role in the production of neurotransmitters and the metabolism of amino acids.

    Protein is also believed to help with satiety, a helpful tool for those trying to lose weight. Additionally, the B vitamins found in eggs may help reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke, and selenium from eggs may support healthy thyroid function.

    Final Thoughts

    Now that you know what's so great about egg protein and the differences between yolk and white protein, you have everything you need to make an informed decision.

    Whether you want to increase your daily protein intake or use protein as a weight-loss tool, eggs are a delicious and affordable option. Try adding a few to your daily routine, whether in the form of an omelet or protein shake, and you're sure to see positive results!

    Is Salmon Keto?

    Is Salmon Keto?

    You might think that salmon is an obvious choice for a ketogenic diet. After all, it’s one of the go-to fish for healthy eaters because it’s high in protein and omega-3 fatty acids.

    At the same time, anything that comes with a side of tartar or cocktail sauce is probably not keto-friendly.

    Fortunately, you can enjoy salmon without going off your diet!

    Salmon fits perfectly into a keto diet when it’s prepared correctly. A 3-ounce serving has around 20 grams of protein and only 1 gram of carbs. That makes it perfect for anyone who wants to cut back on carbs while maintaining an abundance of healthy fats and protein in their diet.

    This article will tell you everything you need to know about eating salmon if you follow the keto diet plan.

    What is a Keto Diet?

    If you are new to or unfamiliar with the keto diet, let’s start with a quick definition. Keto is short for ketogenic, in which your body burns fat for energy instead of carbohydrates. Following this diet requires that you keep your carb intake to a minimum.

    Most people on a keto diet try to keep their carb intake to about 30 grams or less per day. A low-carb diet like keto effectively manages certain health conditions, such as diabetes, obesity, and metabolic syndrome. It can also help people lose weight and improve their overall health.

    The keto diet is generally high in healthy fats, moderate in protein, and low in carbohydrates. So, what does this mean for your salmon? You’ll have to replace the typical marinades such as lemon and butter with a little more keto-friendly alternatives. 

    How to Eat Salmon on a Keto Diet

    The best way to make salmon on a keto diet is to eat it raw. No, we aren’t suggesting that you snack on salmon sushi. We are indicating that you eat it in its purest form.

    A 3-ounce serving of either sockeye or wild salmon contains just under 20 grams of protein and around 2 grams of carbs. That is less than a third of what you should consume on a keto diet.

    Salmon also packs a hefty dose of the healthy fats, vitamins, and minerals your body needs. So, salmon is an excellent choice for anyone on a keto diet. 

    You can eat it as is, make a salmon salad, or use it as a garnish on other dishes. If you want to be fancy, you can even use it to make salmon roses for your dinner guests.

    Benefits of Eating Salmon on a Keto Diet

    We’ve already discussed how salmon is high in protein and low in carbohydrates. But did you know that it’s also packed with omega-3 fatty acids?

    Those are the fatty acids that are supposed to be good for your heart and your brain. Unfortunately, the salmon you buy at the grocery store may not have the level of omega-3 fatty acids that you want.

    Many salmon products are artificially enriched with omega-3 fatty acids. The best salmon for a keto diet is wild salmon. Wild salmon is high in omega-3 fatty acids and low in mercury, a toxin that can harm your heart and brain.

    Wild salmon also contains vitamins A and D, essential for good health. These are just a few benefits of eating salmon on a keto diet.

    How to Select the Best Salmon for a Keto Diet

    If you are at the grocery store buying salmon for a keto diet, there are a few things to look for. First, you’ll want to make sure that you get wild salmon. Wild salmon is generally considered a better choice than farmed salmon. Farmed salmon is often given antibiotics and raised in less-than-ideal conditions.

    You’ll also want to make sure that you get fresh salmon. Avoid salmon that comes in shrink-wrapped formed patties. Instead, look for whole salmon (not sliced) packed in water with no added sugar. Your best bet is to find a store that sells fresh salmon. This will allow you to pick the freshest salmon possible.

    Tips for Cooking Salmon While on a Keto Diet

    One of the easiest ways to cook salmon while on a keto diet is to broil it. Start by placing a salmon fillet on a baking sheet and drizzling it with a small amount of olive oil. Then, season your salmon with salt and pepper, and place it under the broiler for around 10 minutes.

    While your salmon cooks, make a salad with mixed greens and cheese. Once the salmon is finished, top it with lemon juice and serve it over the salad.

    You can also steam salmon, another straightforward way to prepare it for a keto diet. Simply place a fillet in a steaming basket over a pot of boiling water. Let it steam for about 8-10 minutes, then serve it with a side of vegetables.

    You can also poach salmon if you prefer a gentler cooking method. Start by placing a fillet in a small pot. Then, pour enough liquid to cover the salmon and add a few herbs. Let the salmon simmer gently for around 10 minutes.

    Final Words: Is Salmon Good for Keto?

    Salmon is an excellent choice for a keto diet. It is high in protein and omega-3 fatty acids and low in carbohydrates. Plus, it has a lot of vitamins and minerals that are essential for good health.

    All in all, salmon makes for a perfect keto diet meal. Whether you eat it raw or cooked, it is easy to prepare and delicious. You can eat it in a salad or on a bed of steamed vegetables.