You pay a cost

You pay a cost

You pay a health cost for each natural thing you remove from your daily life.

Wear shoes everywhere. You aren't grounding yourself; you are integral to dissipating electric energy so your body can balance itself.

You eat food prepared by a corporation or restaurant. And so your food is less nutritious, less satiable, and more inflammatory.

You spend most of your time indoors. So you breathe in recycled, dirty air. You replace natural sounds, colors, and sights with artificial ones. Your eyes, ears, and mind pay a price.

You isolate yourself from others as you slip into your comfortable, modern routine. So, you lose the deep meaning that comes from your relationships. Since you are a social animal, this manifests in despair, nihilism, depression, and other adverse physical and mental health outcomes.

You sit all day. So, your hips, back, shoulders, neck, and even wrists adapt to this new posture, which leads to chronic pain and weakness.

The list goes on. The mismatches are many.

The good news is that the solutions are easy. In some cases, they are also better, cheaper, faster, and show improvements immediately.

The key to long-term health is to start by analyzing the long-term repercussions of your daily routine to figure out what you're doing that's costing you health. Then figure out how to alter that to have your routines support your health and goals.

Then, over time, as you build these new habits, they become who you are and what you do. 

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