Vitamin C and Heart Health: A Comprehensive Analysis of Dietary Benefits


Objective: This study investigates the relationship between vitamin C intake from diet and supplements and cardiovascular disease risk.

Context: Vitamin C is an essential micronutrient with antioxidant properties. Its role in cardiovascular health has been examined in epidemiological studies with inconsistent results.

Methods Used

Approach: A prospective cohort study design was utilized with food frequency questionnaires to estimate vitamin C intake over time. Participants were followed for incidence of cardiovascular events.

Data Collection: The study included over 20,000 men and women with detailed vitamin C intake data collected at baseline. Cardiovascular endpoints were tracked over 12 years.

Researchers' Summary of Findings

Impact on Health: Higher vitamin C intake from foods was associated with a lower risk of cardiovascular disease, while supplement intake was not significantly associated.

Health Implications: These results suggest vitamin C rich foods may play a protective role against cardiovascular disease. More research is warranted on supplementation.

DOI: 10.1016/j.atherosclerosis.2017.10.018

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