Unleash Your Inner Wildling: 21 Health Tips for a Balanced Life

Dear Wildling,
Today, I'm going to let you in on a secret. A secret to living a life brimming with vitality, wellness, and longevity. It's not a magic pill or a quick fix. It's a lifestyle, a commitment to yourself. It's about embracing 21 health tips that can transform your life. Are you ready to embark on this journey towards a balanced life? Let's dive in.
21 Ways to Live Well by Wild Foods
1. Embrace a Real Food Diet
Food is more than just fuel. It's the foundation of your health. In our modern society, we often find ourselves in a battle against over-consumption. The solution? Real Food. Your health will likely suffer if you get most of your calories from restaurants or ready-to-eat packages. Shift towards whole, unprocessed foods, and watch your health transform.
2. Prioritize Sleep
In my past life as a gym owner, I often saw clients look puzzled when I told them they must sleep 8 hours a night. It seemed like a radical idea. But trust me, if you're one of the sleep-deprived, try getting 8 hours of Sleep a night for a week. You'll feel the difference. It's a game-changer.
3. Try Intermittent Fasting (IF)
Our ancestors lived in harsh conditions without access to modern food preservation or refrigeration. They often went without eating. The "3 meals a day" concept is a modern invention without a scientific basis. My favorite method is an 18/6 fasting to feeding window. Give it a try!
4. Eat Slowly and Chew Your Food
Remember how you used to inhale food like a whale gobbling up plankton? It's time to change that habit. Eating fast can lead to weight gain and overeating. Eating slowly can control your insulin spike and avoid consuming extra calories. It's a simple yet effective weight loss strategy.
5. Cook Your Food
Restaurant food is a minefield of unhealthy ingredients. They use cheap salt, Sugar, sauces, thickeners, stabilizers, and other unnatural additives to cut costs and make the food addictive. When you cook at home, you have control over what goes into your food. It's one of the best decisions you can make for your health.
6. Avoid Drinking Calories
Drinking calories can lead to a significant insulin response. Our ancestors couldn't access smoothies, shakes, and other fast-digesting liquid meals. Be mindful of this when you're reaching for a drink. Avoid sugar-filled drinks and empty calories.
7. Go Completely Gluten-free
Clear out your pantry of anything that contains wheat or gluten. Removing gluten from your diet can profoundly affect your gut health, leading to unexpected health benefits. For those with auto-immune issues, this can be a lifesaver.
8. Say No to Snacking
Snacking is the enemy of weight loss. It promotes fat gain and disrupts your body's natural balance between the fasted and fed states. Every time you snack, you introduce glucose and insulin into your bloodstream, preventing your body from burning fat. Stick to meals and avoid snacking.
9. Take High-Quality Fish Oil With Every Meal
Fish oil is rich in omega-3's that help balance out the omega-6s prevalent in our modern diets. Correcting this balance can significantly benefit your body, especially regarding weight loss. Our choice? Wild Fish Oil.
10. Get Your Daily Dose of Vitamin D
Vitamin D is a crucial hormone in the human body. It involves numerous processes that you can pay attention to. Take a Vitamin D soft gel and aim to get 20 minutes of sunlight every day. It could be the missing link in your health program.
11. Keep Stress at Bay
Stress is like a silent enemy, wreaking havoc on your health. When you're stressed, your body releases cortisol and insulin into your bloodstream, like eating a candy bar. This halts fat loss and promotes fat gain. So, take a deep breath, relax, and release the stress.
12. Practice Mindfulness
Mindfulness is the art of focusing on a single task and quieting the noise in your mind. It can help lower cortisol and insulin levels, balancing your hormones. Mindfulness techniques include breathing meditation, sitting in a quiet place to empty your mind, and immersing yourself in nature—recommended reading: The Power of Now.
13. Eliminate Sugar
Sugar is the ultimate health villain. It's the worst thing you can consume, along with seed and vegetable oils. Remember, fat doesn't make you fat. Sugar, seed oils, and processed grains do.
14. Consume High-Quality Fat
Fatty fish, grass-fed beef, lamb, bison, coconut oil, olive oil (preferably unheated), Kerrygold butter, avocado oil, macadamia oil, ghee, lard (make your own), tallow (make your own) - these are your friends. They're sources of high-quality fat that your body needs.
15. Opt for High-quality Animal Products and Seafood
Look for keywords like grass-fed, free-range, pastured, organic, all-natural, hormone-free, humanely raised, family farms, and local. These are indicators of high-quality animal products and seafood that are good for your health.
16. Engage in Resistance Training
You probably already know why this is beneficial. Resistance training is a great way to build strength and improve health. Aim for about three times a week.
17. Try High-Intensity Conditioning
Think intervals; short, fast, and hard. Avoid long-distance and moderate-paced training as the bulk of your training. High-intensity conditioning is a more effective way to improve your fitness. Again, aim for about three times a week.
18. Walk Everywhere
Take the stairs, park at the end of the parking lot, and take the long way around. Our ancestors walked an average of 13 miles daily, while most of us walked about two and a half. It's time to change that.
19. Play Sports
Playing sports improves overall health, mental relief, muscle building, mobility, and social development. It's a fun way to stay active and healthy.
20. Spend Time Outdoors
Being outdoors has been proven over and over again to be good for health and longevity. So, get out there and enjoy the beauty of nature.
21. Stay Hydrated
Last but not least, drink plenty of water. Hydration is critical to maintaining your body's functions and keeping your skin looking healthy and vibrant.
There you have it, Wildling. Twenty-one health tips for a balanced life. It's not just about living longer but living better, with more energy, vitality, and joy. So, are you ready to unleash your inner Wildling and embrace these tips? The journey to a balanced life starts now.
Q: Why is a balanced diet essential for health?
A balanced diet ensures that your body gets all the necessary nutrients to function correctly. It can help you maintain a healthy weight, reduce your risk of chronic diseases, and promote overall health.
Q: How can physical activity contribute to a balanced life?
Regular physical activity can help prevent and manage various health problems, including heart disease, stroke, and type 2 diabetes. It can also increase your energy levels, improve your mood, and promote better Sleep.
Q: What are some ways to reduce stress?
Some practical ways to reduce stress include practicing Mindfulness, engaging in regular physical activity, getting enough sleep, and maintaining a healthy diet. It's also important to take time for relaxation and recreational activities.
Q: How can I incorporate intermittent fasting into my lifestyle?
Intermittent fasting involves cycling between periods of eating and fasting. It's not about what you eat, but when you eat. You can start fasting for 14-16 hours daily, then eat a healthy diet during your eating window.
Q: Why is it essential to avoid Sugar and processed foods?
Sugar and processed foods are often high in calories but low in nutrients. They can lead to weight gain, increase your risk of chronic diseases, and even affect your mental health. By avoiding these foods, you can improve your health and well-being.