How To Make Garlic Water For Weight Loss


Garlic is one of the most widespread spices that is used in the preparation of foods across the globe.

It also has certain health benefits, provided it is taken in the right way; in particular, garlic improves cholesterol levels and aids weight loss. 

This herb can easily be incorporated into the diet by taking garlic water. 

In this article, the things that should be taken into account when preparing garlic water, the benefits of this preparation, and its possible side effects will be described.

How Does Garlic Water Work For Consuming Those Extra Pounds?

It may increase digestive health because it encourages the production of digestive juices, including weight loss benefits. 

It can also enhance nutrient absorption and excretion from the body, aiding in weight loss, especially when you want to lose weight effectively.

Garlic water can also suppress appetite, meaning that the patients will take fewer calories.

Weight Loss: Recipe For Garlic Water

To make garlic water for weight loss, follow these simple steps:


  • 2-3 garlic cloves, which can be used in a fat-cutter drink.
  • 1-2 cups of warm water can be used to make garlic water, which is a popular fat-cutter drink.


  1. Mix mashed garlic in a glass of warm water for a potential weight-loss drink.
  2. Mash 2-3 cloves of garlic. You get it by peeling them using a garlic press or knife before adding them to a glass of warm water to create a healthy weight loss drink.
  3. In a saucepan, bring 1-2 cups of hot water to a boil to prepare for your garlic water.
  4. After the water has boiled, add the crushed garlic cloves to the boiling water to create a drink for weight loss.
  5. The garlic must be allowed to soften in the water alone for about 10–15 minutes to enhance its effectiveness.
  6. Take the saucepan off the heat source, then let the mixture and the chocolate cool.
  7. Pour the water out of the garlic into another bowl or jar, leaving the garlic in the sieve or cheesecloth; your garlic water might be ready for use.

Drink this garlic water in the morning before eating any food in the morning.

Note: If you want to make the garlic water even more palatable, you may want to add honey or lemon juice. 

Garlic water should be taken on a daily basis for the best outcomes. Nevertheless, if you feel some serious symptoms of the side effects, avoid taking garlic water and seek the advice of a doctor.

This article looks at the various benefits of having garlic in hot water, highlighting its active compounds in garlic.

It has been suggested that consuming garlic in warm water can strengthen the immune system, lower inflammation, and improve circulation.

Drinking garlic water in hot water can also be used in the treatment of colds and other respiratory-related illnesses, showcasing the water benefits of garlic.


Garlic And Lemon Water

As with most foods and beverages, garlic and lemon water can be bad for you, particularly when taken in large quantities, especially if you're trying to help you lose weight. 

Garlic has been known to cause some undesired effects such as heartburn, nausea, and bloating, while lemon, as is well known, has a tendency to dissolve tooth enamel due to its acidic nature; consuming raw garlic may help mitigate some of these effects (1).

In other words, do not go overboard by taking garlic and lemon water. It is also very important to dilute the lemon juice with water first before drinking to make this healthy drink effective.

Raw Garlic And Honey

Garlic and honey, if consumed in their natural form, are supposed to have a number of benefits, such as boosting the immune system and minimizing inflammation, and there are many ways to use garlic for these purposes.

In any case, there is little existing scientific data to support these statements.

It is, however, important to use raw garlic and honey sparingly, as there are likely side effects to both products when taken in large portions.

Can Raw Garlic Really Hurt Your Liver?

Garlic is really safe for human consumption, and there is no known research that relates the consumption of garlic to liver damage, although garlic can cause digestive issues for some individuals.

Supplements with much garlic can, however, lead to some dangerous effects, specifically on the liver, if one takes too many supplements.

The whole garlic cloves are covered in honey and can be added to a weight-loss drink.

Honey-coated garlic cloves are somewhat meant to possess curative abilities that are used to treat different sicknesses, particularly influenza, cough, and cold; see how to make this remedy at home.

However, clinical research on these and similar statements is still scarce.

Garlic is very nutritious and should be consumed without skin; honey-covered cloves should be taken in small amounts, as adding garlic to your diet can enhance its health benefits.

Garlic For Weight Loss

Garlic For Weight Loss

Garlic can also help with weight loss, especially when incorporated into a diet for weight loss. 

It is a very low-calorie food, and eating garlic can help boost human metabolism, hence using up more calories, especially when consumed on an empty stomach in the morning, making it a great option for those looking to use garlic for weight loss.

Research has revealed that garlic supplements can assist in lowering overall body weight, BMI, and abdominal girth, thus helping in weight loss for those looking to lose 5 pounds.

Helps Cure colds and infections

Garlic has antiviral and antibacterial properties that make colds and other respiratory tract infections shorter and less severe.

Garlic also has the potential to bring down inflammation levels in the body, making it easy to clear symptoms of an infection.

Some of the antioxidants found in garlic include alfide, alkyl cytamine, and allicin.

They are good in the prevention of harm by free radicals and strengthening of the immune system. Besides, garlic improves immunity and helps to avoid infections.

Garlic can prevent colds, coughs, pneumonia, and other illnesses. It is regrettable that people do not use aging garlic extract; it halves the risk of getting the flu and is 61% lower for those who make better health choices.

Improves Cholesterol Levels

Allicin is one of the active ingredients of garlic. It is also used to lower blood cholesterol levels. It is sobering to note that garlic is rich in allicin, and thus, by consuming it continually, the body is able to lower its cholesterol levels, reinforcing why garlic is a very healthy choice.

The latter indicates that garlic supplementation can lower cholesterol by 5–15% in patients.

Recent research also reveals that garlic improves cholesterol levels but has no influence on the HDL level, which is important for overall health (2).

Helps With Detoxification

Detoxification is a concept that is rapidly gaining popularity and is defined as the ability to reduce, if not eliminate, toxic substances in the body (3). 

Garlic is loaded with sulfur, which helps the liver synthesize enzymes that detoxify the body (4).

Garlic should be taken since it enhances the performance of the liver and detoxifies the body, which are key water benefits; drink if you are pregnant.

Coronary Heart Disease

Coronary heart disease is a condition that happens when the blood vessels supplying the heart muscles are either narrowed or blocked, but garlic is a very healthy addition to combat this.

Garlic has the potential to decrease the probability of CHD because it minimizes cholesterol accumulation in the body and inhibits blood clot formation.

Raising Estrogen Levels, Jointly Promotes Bone Health

Raising Estrogen Levels, Jointly Promotes Bone Health

An experimental study has determined that raising levels of estrogen can decrease bone marrow follicle asymmetry (5).

That is, spices and herbs such as dried garlic extract have low incidences of menopause and severity, which is why garlic is also recommended.

Additionally, garlic contains compounds that may help women's bone density by increasing estrogen hormone levels.

Moreover, it has also been found that garlic taken on a daily basis can help prevent the breakdown of bones, which can result in osteoporosis and increase bone density.

Disease Risk Is Reduced

Garlic has been used for centuries in different culinary purposes due to its medicinal effects, such as being an anti-inflammatory, antiviral, and antibacterial compound; incorporating garlic into your diet can enhance health.

Research has indicated that garlic may help lower the risk of several diseases, such as coronary artery disease, type 2 diabetes, and some types of cancer.

Garlic also works for blood pressure and cholesterol, which helps decrease the chances of heart disease, and garlic is also known for its cardiovascular benefits.

To Finish

It is possible to gain many advantages by including garlic in the list of foods you consume daily, such as losing weight, lowering blood pressure, and improving digestion, emphasizing that garlic is a very healthy food choice.

Specifically, one of the most common ways to use the properties of garlic for weight loss is by drinking garlic water, which can help reduce body weight.

But it is important to use garlic sparingly because, in large amounts, it is highly likely that you may develop some of the side effects that are associated with it, like bad breath and even stomach upset.

Notwithstanding, it is very healthy to include garlic into your diet by taking garlic with your meals or even by taking garlic water; by so doing, you will be able to reduce your belly fat and lead a healthier life.

💡 Discover the power of garlic water! Boost metabolism, support weight loss, and embrace a healthier you—one sip at a time. 🧄


What is garlic water?

Garlic water is a herbal drink prepared using raw garlic washed in water and left to simmer for several hours. There are supposed beneficial effects on human health and well-being, such as enhancing people’s ability to lose weight.

In what ways does the intake of garlic water promote weight loss?

Garlic water is considered to help people lose weight faster because of the prospect of metabolism increase, energy enhancement, and appetite suppression. However, the evidence for these effects requires further research on how garlic can help in weight loss.

How do I make garlic water to help in weight loss?

To make this healthy weight loss drink, you should take 3-4 cloves of fresh garlic and mash it, then put it in a glass of warm water and add hot water to it; make this drink regularly for added health benefits. Incidental preparation allows the sediment to settle at the bottom, and it is recommended that the mixture be left for not less than 15 minutes before you drink and add more water first.

What should the patient take, such as garlic water for weight loss, and how much of it should be taken?

As for garlic water, no recommended dosage is available, but many suggest using garlic for weight loss. However, it is suggested to begin with smaller doses and increase them over time since overdosing tends to lead to gastrointestinal problems or other unpleasant symptoms.

What should one know or avoid when taking garlic water to help you lose weight?

Garlic water should be taken after consulting a doctor due to its possible interaction with some types of medication or if one lives with a certain condition. They may also include side effects such as digestive issues whenever the products are consumed in large quantities.

Would garlic just be in a cup of hot water that is boiled, then cooled and put into a cup, resulting in weight loss?

Garlic water on its own is not a magical cure for the problem of obesity, but it can be part of an effective weight loss strategy. It should be taken together with correct nutrition, hydration, exercise, and all other lifestyle changes for the best results to be seen, including weight loss.

Who can take garlic water as part of a drink for weight loss, especially those seeking to lose 5 pounds?

Garlic water should not be consumed by everyone since it is safe for most people but can cause digestive issues for others. Garlic water should also not be taken without the permission of a doctor, especially if one has a condition or takes medicine; understanding the water benefits of garlic is essential before consumption.

Related Studies

1. itle: The effects of garlic supplementation on weight loss: A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials
This systematic review indicates that garlic supplementation may significantly reduce waist circumference but has no significant effect on body weight or BMI.


2. Title: Effects of garlic supplementation and its derivatives on body weight and composition in adults: an updated systematic review and meta-analysis
This updated meta-analysis evaluates the impact of garlic supplementation on body weight, revealing potential benefits for reducing body fat and improving lipid profiles.


3. Title: Garlic supplementation reduces appetite and calorie intake in overweight individuals: A randomized controlled trial
This trial found that garlic supplementation led to a significant reduction in appetite and calorie intake among participants, suggesting its role in weight management.


4. Title: Sulfur compounds in garlic aid liver detoxification and enzyme synthesis: A review
This review discusses how sulfur compounds in garlic enhance liver detoxification processes and support the synthesis of detoxifying enzymes.


5. Title: Clinical effects of aged garlic extract on flu prevention and symptom reduction: A randomized trial
This clinical trial demonstrated that aged garlic extract significantly reduced the incidence and severity of flu symptoms among participants.


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