10 Ways to reWild Your Health

If you want to be healthy, you have to get back to your natural roots. We call this reWildling here at Wild Foods.

Living in accordance with your genes, which nature herself shaped, is the foundation of it.

Here are a few less-known ways of doing that...

1. Take a walk after meals (barefoot is best)

2. Use red lights indoors to balance out blue light / LED light exposure.

3. Reduce blue light from devices (nightshift on the phone and IOS)

4. Exercise daily: pushups, squats, sprints, pull-ups 👇🏻

5. Cook all your meals at home in tallow, butter, and ghee

6. Get the best local ingredients you can find

7. Eat mussels. They are packed with protein and contain 900% of your daily B12 needs

8. Spend 30 minutes in full sunlight each day - and you'll never have a vitamin D issue again

9. Turn your WiFi off at night and keep it off anytime you aren't using it. It's no coincidence that we're sicker than ever, and EMF usage has exploded in the last 20 years.

10. Drink spring water; tap water could be better for you. RO water is a step in the right direction, but lacks essential minerals. Install a shower filter in every bathroom.

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