So much to be grateful... if you choose

There is so much damn abundance, so much to be grateful for.

But you have to choose to see it and embrace it.

You can do that right now. This moment.

It's your choice and no one else's.

How you think determines everything. Whether you are happy, sad, content, or suffering.

You can have "everything" and be miserable. Many are.

You can have nothing and be happy. Many are.

It's pretty wild how little effort is put into controlling the mind in our modern culture/education system when it's the ultimate harbinger of life's experience from start to finish.

It all starts and ends in your mind.

How wild is it that you can be happy at this very moment if you choose to be?

How wild is it that you can TRAIN your mind to be grateful, happy, content, and satisfied and immediately start winning at life?

Since we humans love to compare ourselves to others, you can be happier than anyone the second you decide to be.
It's yours the moment you make the decision.

You can live better than the billionaires, millionaires, and celebrities RIGHT NOW, the second you choose.

Decide that the Now is everything, that your health and loved ones are all that matter, and that the hard things you have to do in life are the yardstick that helps you measure how great the great things are.

It's a miracle.

So much abundance... if you choose it.

Only you can.

The question is, will you?

Most pretend it's someone else's choice, or based on something external.

It's not.

Never is. Never will be.

It's you. It's always you.
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