You Are The Scientist

“fully fifty-five diseases are known to be caused by gluten (Farrell and Kelly 2002). Among these are heart disease, cancer, nearly all autoimmune diseases, osteoporosis, irritable bowel syndrome and other gastrointestinal disorders, gallbladder disease, Hashimoto’s disease (an autoimmune thyroid disorder responsible for up to 90 percent of all low-functioning thyroid issues), migraines, epilepsy, Parkinson’s disease, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS, or Lou Gehrig’s disease), neuropathies (having normal EMG readings), and most other degenerative neurological disorders as well as autism, which is technically an autoimmune brain disorder.”

-Nora T. Gedgaudas CNS CNT, Primal Body, Primal Mind: Beyond the Paleo Diet for Total Health and a Longer Life

I can’t wait for what it will be like in ten years.

Driverless cars, virtual worlds, high-speed transit, some flying innovation, etc.

But more importantly, I can’t wait until science has proven, through funded studies, what human beings are made to eat and not eat.

I can’t wait for that.

I can’t wait to silence the critics and for the charlatans and quacks to go out of business. I can’t wait until the obesity epidemic dies or reverses itself.

I can’t wait until people get it.

I can’t wait until the time when people will stop dying needlessly.

But until this time, people will die, slowly or quickly, and indeed, people will continue to kill themselves through bad habits. Some poor souls know they are doing it; some have been lied to and have no clue.

Either way, I hope you, the person reading this right now, will be different. I hope you will be educated. I hope you will let go of everything you think you know and open your mind to the possibilities.


Science and research have a powerful sway over us. Many feel we must be “told” what to believe based on what scientists tell us. (Keep in mind that scientists once told us the Earth was the center of the universe.)

Here’s the thing about this: It’s all bogus.

Research always needs to be revised. There are so many variables within any given study that you hardly if ever, can come to an absolute conclusion. That’s why you often hear of research “pointing to” something. This is because research is only a means of forming a hypothesis, and if you are a bit rusty on your middle school science, an idea is just a “best guess.”

Furthermore, when you take that research abstract that a study publishes and put it in the hands of an individual, you get an “interpretation” of the research. This adds another layer of “pointing to” and “correlations” based on the author’s opinion. Then the news gets involved, and it gets even more warped.

It’s all bullcrap—not the science and theories but the fact that these “best guesses” are used too often to form policy and shape public opinion.

Of course, experimentation and testing should not be discounted just because the politics of it all is faulty. It should not be used the way it is. That’s my point.

It’s up to you, the individual, to research any matter you need to form a critical opinion. Blindly following the advice of some guy on TV or in a lab coat is just dumb—and when it involves your long-term health and well-being, it is dumb.

This is why I recommend you become a scientist and experiment on yourself. There is no better “evidence” than the results we experience firsthand.

Unfortunately, only a tiny percentage of the population will self-experiment because it’s hard, and they’d rather live a life in denial than do something hard yet suitable for them.

This is the experiment every human being should conduct:

  1. Take before pictures and get your blood work done.
  2. Eliminate grains, refined sugar, alcohol, legumes, nut/seed oils, and all processed foods for 60 days (even 30 would work).
  3. Take after pictures and get your blood work done.
  4. Gauge results.

Do you need some scientist to tell you if eating this way will work? No, you don’t. You test it for yourself. It’s as simple as that.


Do you know what I think this fascination with science and research is? I think it’s denial and laziness. Of every person I’ve learned that has successfully changed their diet, they all were naturally open-minded people who were not afraid of doing work.

Unfortunately, this only represents some of the Western population.

I’m not writing to those of you who would be considered “fat and sick.” I’m writing this more to those who desire to be healthy but are confused by all the conflicting information.

I want to convince you to try this experiment. I want to show you that there is a natural human diet, and it is Real Food.

Some people like to call this eating “Paleo,” “Primal,” or “The Caveman Diet,” but we like to call it Real Food.

If Food grows in the Wild and is consumable by humans without needing processing or chemical alteration, then it is Real Food.

And if you eat Real Food regularly, the rest tends to figure itself out. No need to count calories, measure Food, or ensure you eat X of protein, fat, or carbohydrates. Just eat Real Food.

Try the Wild Foods 60-day Real Food experiment. (30 days works as well.)

Not only will you love the results—and those results will be indisputable—but you’ll also love the fact that you have “answered” the question of what you should eat.

Colin Stuckert,

Founder/CEO, Wild Foods

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