No Matter What You Call It

"There's a lot more to the Paleo diet than removing food toxins from your diet. That said, if everyone on a standard American diet stopped eating cereal grains, industrial seed oils, and excess sugar tomorrow, I'm willing to bet that the rates of obesity, diabetes, heart disease, and just about every chronic inflammatory disease would plummet over the next decade."

-Chris Kresser, Your Personal Paleo Code: The 3-Step Plan to Lose Weight, Reverse Disease, and Stay Fit and Healthy for Life

"Paleo," "Primal," "Caveman," "Stone Age," whatever. What you call it doesn't matter; it's about real food.

That is one of our fundamental messages here at Wild Foods. We want to educate the world about the importance of natural, unprocessed, minimally, and responsibly processed real food.

Many diets focus on what you can and cannot eat. They also try to count calories and carbs, and fat. But that's the wrong way to go about eating.

The right way to go about eating is to focus on one thing: is it real food?

Real food is as direct from the producer to your plate as possible.

It does not sit in a warehouse or have a long shelf-life.

It does not contain stabilizers, preservatives, or other chemicals.

It doesn't go well because it's real.

It is made in a way that is aligned with how it grows in nature, in the wild.

It is not genetically messed with in any way whatsoever.

It is actual, wild, and natural.

It is real food.

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