The Three Most Powerful Words In The Universe


“One good test is worth a thousand expert opinions.”-Wernher von Braun

The Internet is wrought with “experts” who love to copy-paste whatever a millisecond Google search spits to prove their point. Forums and article comment threads are the most prominent places where these “experts are correcting the world and saving them from their ignorance.

If we go back just ten years, we will find countless ​“facts​” we believe to be valid and undisputed. Go back another ten years, and you’ll find the same thing. Hell, go back every year since the dawn of man, and there are always truths that have been corrected, adjusted, or proven entirely wrong.

Such is the way of human understanding; it is constantly evolving and adapting to new information.

What’s odd is that during each step of the way, we believe with absolute certainty that we know the “truth.” Why, as humans, are we so convinced of what we know? Especially when we are regularly proven wrong and have been since the dawn of man.

Weird. Humans are humans. But I say you can be more intelligent than “humans.”

First, add the following phrase to your vocabulary, “I don’t know.” Boom… never has a correct truth ever been uttered.

Second, try it out for yourself and test the results. If something works, great; you learned something. If it doesn’t, great, you learned something. In either case, the next time someone asks you about something you’ve tried, you can say, “This is how it worked—or didn’t work—for me.”

By taking this approach, you don’t get sucked into dogma. You speak only from experience, and even still, you don’t claim to know anything other than what you experienced.

You are still open-minded to the possibilities that others may have experienced. By taking this approach, you won’t get sucked into dogma as most do. This is good because doctrine keeps you closed-minded and held back in more ways than one.

When you say, “I don’t know,” you open your mind—and the world—to infinite possibility. You can see instead of through a biased lens that wraps your view (which is how most people see the world).

The fact is that no one actually “knows” anything. It’s all just an opinion. Our entire reality is just a perception of our brain.

We could all be stuck in the Matrix. This Earth could be nothing more than a program played out by an alien teenager on a planet we don’t know exists because we are stuck inside the Universe program.

And so on.

The only truth in the universe is “I don’t know.”

Start saying, “I don’t know.”

Colin Stuckert

Founder/CEO, Wild Foods

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