The Magic of Thinking Big (Ch 4) [Books That Change Lives]

I'm going to use the video transcript below:​​

​Book of the Day: How to Think Big. We're going to go over just chapter four. How to Think Big. We're going to go through some of my notes and highlights.

Ever ask yourself, "What is my greatest weakness?" The most significant human weakness is self-deprecation. That is selling oneself short.

Know thyself. But most people, it seems, interpret this suggestion to mean "Know only thy negative self." Most self-evaluations involve making long mental lists of one's faults, shortcomings, and inadequacies.

Determine your five chief assets. So what are the five things that you're powerful at? Invite some objective friends to help. Some intelligent person who will give you an honest opinion.

Next, under each asset, write the names of three persons you know who have achieved enormous success but still need this asset to as great a degree as you. When you complete this exercise, you will find you outrank many successful people on at least one purchase.

The critical measure of a person's vocabulary is not the size or the number of words he uses; instead, the thing that counts, the only thing that matters about one's vocabulary, is the effect his words and phrases have on his own others' thinking.

It's not what you say. It's different from the big words you use. It's how you influence people. How do you change your mind? How do you get them to see things your way?

How do you get people to take action? That's the accurate measure of anyone trying to accomplish something outside of themself through others.

Here is something fundamental. We do not think in words and phrases; we presume only in pictures and images.

The point is this: Big thinkers are specialists in creating positive, forward-looking, optimistic pictures in their minds and the minds of others. We must use words and phrases that produce positive mental images to think big.

Think big in your mind. See big things. When you talk about the future, visualize yourself having that thing, acquiring that thing, or receiving that award. Visualize it.
Imagine what you would say. Who's next to you? Who are you talking to? Who are you interacting with? This stuff is so powerful, guys. And it's not to say that if you think it, it will come. Not.

But the more you visualize it and think about it, the more you can move towards that thing, and the more you can take the steps that get you there. That's the whole point.

That's the difference between the secret stuff, the idea that people think they can think about something, and it will manifest. That's not true at all. But when you think about something,g and think about it enough so that it directs your daily action towards that thing, then you get the item.

Well, that's how it works. Straight line, or at least a winding line towards that thing, because you visualized it very strongly in your mind's eye.

Use big, positive, cheerful words and phrases to describe your feelings. That positive self-talk stuff, guys, really helps. Use bright, sunny, encouraging words and phrases to tell other people.

So, don't talk badly about other people. Don't gossip about other people. That is a policy we have in our company. If you're talking about another person and they're not present, and you are not uplifting them or saying positive things, you are gossiping and violating our number one culture rule.

Don't tabadlybad about other people. You're manifesting negativity when you do that. It's a sickness of the human mind.

The moral is this: Look he things not as they are but as they can be. And that's a lot of positive talk. Visualize how it could be instead of focusing on how it's not.
Visualization adds value to everything. A big thinker always visualizes what can be done in the future. He isn't stuck with the present.

Highly recommend this book, guys. The Magic of Thinking Big. Over 4 million copies sold. Stuff is insanely valuable.

If you can develop the habit of thinking big, it can change your life. It will. It won't happen overnight, but progressively, day after day, month after month, year after year, you will change your life and accomplish what you want. Achieving will help you complete what you wish and to form more content with it. You'll better know yourself, and it'll be more of a reward than just someone giving you a car, money, or winning the lottery, or w teverOuou will appreciate.

So, book of the day. Smash the like button, and slap the subscribe. Dand o all those things helps me out. The Estate it, and if there's anything that you want me to cover or talk about or anything I can do to help, send me a DM or comment; I see all of that; Iff, I'm paying attention, and Thanks, guys.

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​Colin Stuckert,
Founder/CEO, Wild Foods

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