Each Day Is The Last Day

“Isn’t it nice to think that tomorrow is a new day with no mistakes in it yet?”― L.M. Montgomery
Tomorrow is a beautiful gift we all must celebrate should we be lucky enough to receive it. We should utilize every second of every day to live fully. But what do most do? They squander it.
They put things off under the impression that they will have tomorrow, the next day, the next week, or the year. They procrastinate.
They bitch and complain and expect their luck to turn around. They expect happiness and success to fall in their lap.
If this sounds like you, you need a better way.
When you start your day, you feel gratitude for the opportunity that you have been given. I’m sure you’ve heard the phrase, “Tomorrow is the first day of the rest of your life.”
That’s a powerful order of words. It is simple to understand, a bit witty, and powerful in its seriousness (it is gravitas, as the Romans would say).
Each new day is a gravitas—it is serious. It could be your last day or one of the only ten days or 100 or 300 days of life you have left on this earth. And most of all, it is the last day of that day that you will ever get.
Each day is a gift and an opportunity. It is a chance to live well, learn and become better for the coming days and is a clean slate you can use to start over.
Each day is the best day of your life.
Living each day the best way I can,
Founder/CEO, Wild Foods