The Benefits of Turmeric for Anti Inflammation


Turmeric, best known for its bright yellow color and anti-inflammatory properties, is a plant related to ginger grown in many Asian countries and other tropical areas. Countless studies show profound benefits for the body and the brain. It may be the most effective nutritional supplement ever created. 

While it might be argued that most humans have excessive inflammation, inflammation is a crucial protective mechanism. It assists the body in fighting foreign invaders and plays a critical role in repairing cellular damage. 

Acute, short-term inflammation presents many benefits, but it becomes a significant problem when it becomes chronic, causing it to attack the body's tissues. Chronic inflammation is one of the primary causes of the autoimmune epidemic we are experiencing.

The question is, can you use Turmeric for anti-inflammation?

Turmeric for Anti-inflammation

Curcumin, the main bioactive compound found in Turmeric (and what gives it its potent healing properties), provides the spice with its rich yellow color.  Curcumin has high anti-inflammatory properties and can potentially treat many health conditions, including reducing pain and easing joint movement in individuals with osteoarthritis. 

Scientists now believe chronic, low-level inflammation plays a significant role in nearly every modern, Western disease. Metabolic syndrome, heart disease, cancer, Alzheimer's, you name it. Curcumin's anti-inflammatory strength is so powerful that it parallels the effectiveness of many anti-inflammatory drugs on the market - without any adverse side effects

The prevalence of chronic inflammation in Western diseases cannot be ignored. The use of curcumin can suppress several molecules that play significant roles in causing inflammation. 

Benefits of Turmeric for Anti-inflammation

As previously mentioned, Turmeric can fight more than the pain associated with osteoarthritis. Below are some conditions using high levels of Turmeric may help.

1. Arthritis

Turmeric can reduce pain, inflammation, and stiffness related to rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis and treat bursitis. As a potent anti-inflammatory, curcumin blocks inflammatory cytokines and enzymes, which help alleviate symptoms associated with arthritis.  

2. Heartburn

Acid reflux and gastroesophageal reflux disease, also known as GERD, may be caused by oxidative stress and inflammation, according to one studyTurmeric and curcumin extracts have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties and may relieve heartburn symptoms. 

3. Joint Pain

One of the most common uses for supplementing with Turmeric is to reduce joint pain. According to the CDC, nearly 20% of Americans have reported knee pain.

Several studies have shown the effectiveness of Turmeric and curcumin in reducing joint pain. What's even better is - Turmeric is non-toxic.

4. Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Turmeric is often used to treat IBS for the sake of convenience. One easy capsule to alleviate gastrointestinal issues - yes, please!

Research has shown that Turmeric increases specific proteins and neurotransmitters and positively influences mood and the intestinal tract. The neurotransmitters that signal the brain may signal the intestines as well. 

5. Kidney Problems

Chronic kidney disease is inflammatory, and the active ingredient in Turmeric - curcumin - has potent anti-inflammatory properties. Several enzymes, transcript factors, and growth factors modulate the production and action of inflammatory molecules. Curcumin can hinder the production and movement of these inflammatory molecules and ameliorate chronic kidney disease.

6. Alzheimer's Disease 

A growing body of evidence shows that oxidative stress, free radicals, and abnormal inflammatory reactions contribute to the onset of Alzheimer's disease. Curcumin has the potential to prevent the development of AD. As an antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and lipophilic action, it improves cognitive functions in those with Alzheimer's disease. 

Turmeric Recipes

There are two ways to incorporate Turmeric into your diet. 

The first option is in supplement form. This is often the go-to for people as a convenience factor due to bioavailability. Our Wild Turmeric is combined with black pepper extract to increase bioavailability and the absorption of curcumin in the body. 

The second option is powder form which is used most frequently as a culinary spice. Since most people add black pepper to their dishes in combination with Turmeric, this also has a heightened bioavailability. 

Below are some ways we add Turmeric to our drinks and dishes.

      1. Add to meat and combination dishes.

Turmeric can be added to any dish you are currently making. 

Plain ground beef for tacos? Add it there.

A mixed meat and vegetable dish? Add it there too! Combine it with thyme, cumin, and garlic for added flavor. 

Make a risotto in 20 minutes that's AIP-friendly, Whole30-friendly, and Paleo-Friendly. 

2. Use in a marinade.

This follows the same principle as option one. You can add this to virtually any marinade you want. A little goes a long way, and if you're worried about an overpowering flavor, add less. 

3. Try it in tea!

This is a more popular option for consuming Turmeric in beverage form. You've likely heard of golden milk, with the star ingredient being Turmeric. 

Try our Golden Milk recipe here

4. Try a Turmeric Tonic.

Similar to golden milk but without the "milk" aspect, an additional benefit is making a tonic.

Try our Turmeric Tonic here.

By now, you should feel equipped with a substantial knowledge of Turmeric and how it can help reduce inflammation in your body. The scientifically-proven benefits of Turmeric and its anti-inflammatory properties, as well as antioxidant capacity, compared to none. 

"Joint pain, bloating, and foggy thoughts are not imagined symptoms; they result from improper diet. Make eliminations. Start with wheat, then dairy, then sugar. These are the most inflammatory foods." ― Nancy S. Mure, EAT! Empower, Adjust, Triumph!: Lose Ridiculous Weight, Succeed On Any Diet Plan, Bust Through Any Plateau in 3 Empowering Steps!

Common Questions and Answers:

1. How does Turmeric reduce inflammation?

Specific chemicals in Turmeric, such as curcumin, might decrease inflammation and swelling. Due to this, Turmeric is said to be beneficial for treating inflammatory conditions. 

2. How much Turmeric should I take for inflammation?

To achieve the best anti-inflammatory effects from curcuminoids, a person must consume 500-1000 milligrams daily. Five hundred milligrams is a good daily dose for inhibiting inflammation and promoting gut health. 

3. How long does Turmeric take to reduce inflammation?

Numerous studies have been done to assess the strength and effectiveness of Turmeric on inflammation. One study published showed significant improvement in as little as six weeks, while other research has demonstrated efficacy in 8-12 weeks. 

4. What time of day should you take Turmeric?

Consistency is the focus of supplementing with Turmeric. The time of day will vary depending on your meals.

Turmeric is taken best on an empty stomach - ideally 30 minutes before a meal or 2 hours after. However, if heartburn is experienced, you may take it with food. 


In conclusion, turmeric, a plant related to ginger, has numerous benefits for the body and brain due to its high anti-inflammatory properties. Chronic inflammation is linked to many modern diseases, and curcumin, the main bioactive compound in turmeric, has the potential to treat several health conditions without any adverse side effects.

It can reduce pain, stiffness, and inflammation related to arthritis, treat heartburn, alleviate joint pain, treat irritable bowel syndrome, reduce the symptoms of chronic kidney disease and Alzheimer's disease.

Turmeric can be consumed in supplement or powder form, and it can be added to meals, marinades, tea, and tonics. Therefore, incorporating turmeric into the diet may help reduce inflammation in the body and potentially treat various health conditions.

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