Product Spotlight: Wild Fish Oil

Menhaden are small, omega-3-rich fish that travel in large, slow-moving schools. They are considered “sustainable”—making it one of the only fish oils in the world able to make that claim—because of the speed at which the schools replenish themselves.

Our menhaden are caught in the Atlantic off US waters, primarily by fishermen from the small fishing town of Reedville, Virginia. Menhaden is a purer, more sustainable, environmentally friendly, and better-tasting fish oil than the typical fish oil blends consisting of anchovy, sardines, and mackerel.

The ingredients that make Wild Fish Oil one of the purest-tasting fish oils on the market have been carefully formatted using all-natural ingredients. A unique benefit of menhaden oil is that it does not naturally come with a strong fishy taste or smell like other fatty fish oils.

We use a bit of lemon, rosemary extra, and natural vanilla flavor to make one of the best-tasting liquid fish oils in the world!

Integral for optimal health, omega-3s are fatty acids that most of us in the West are lacking in our diets. Overeating fish, which can help improve your omega-3 intake, can be troublesome since you have to worry about mercury contamination.

Fortunately, Wild Fish Oil is tested and verified to be mercury free.

These are a few of the many reasons why we are so proud of Wild Fish Oil. And we think you’ll enjoy it as much as we do!

Get a bottle today!

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