The Simplest Weight Loss Plan Ever

1. Cook your meals at home
Cooking meals at home is the only way to control the quality of the ingredients you put in your body. It is how you avoid seed oils, article flavorings, dyes, and colors. It's also how you can avoid heavily processed foods that trick your brain into eating more of them (whole food doesn't do that).
2. Eat protein with every meal
The most satisfying macronutrient is protein, which controls hunger hormones. So make sure to include a source of protein with every meal, such as eggs, meat, fish, dairy, legumes, or nuts.
3. Avoid processed carbohydrates, including grains, starchy carbohydrates, and added sugars from your diet
Processed carbs such as bread, crackers, pasta, cookies, and pastries raise blood sugar quickly, leading to fat storage. They are also the most processed and lacking nutrition foods you'll find on the market
4. Take a 30-minute walk after each meal
It is the simplest and most effective way to start losing weight. Walking is a low-impact cardio form with numerous health benefits. It will also help you move more throughout the day, which is essential for weight loss.
5. Drink a glass of water before each meal
Water helps your belly fill up, which makes the food you eat send signals of fullness to your brain. It will reduce overall calorie intake and slow your eating speed, which does the same.
6. Sleep 8 hours a night (get sunlight first thing in the morning)
Without enough sleep, your body will hold on to fat cells like a lion protecting a kill. Sleep is integral to letting your body rest, repair, and recover, using stored calories to rebuild tissue. It's also critical to reduce inflammation and high cortisol (stress), which leads to better operating metabolism.
7. Lift weights 1-3 times a week (or do push-ups, squats, pull-ups)
Building muscle increase metabolism because muscle is the most metabolically active tissue in your body. It feeds off stored fat cells. Building muscle should be your most important focus to lose weight.
8. Adhere to these principles with high consistency and watch as the weight falls off
It's all about time and consistency. The more time + consistency you have, the faster you reach your weight loss goals. The more inconsistencies you have, which reset the clock each time you fall off, the more extended and more complex it will be to lose those unwanted pounds finally.
There are no shortcuts to weight loss. It requires hard work, dedication, and consistency. But if you stick to the plan, the weight will come off.