Tough Days Are A Part Of Life

“I know it seems hard sometimes, but remember one thing. Through every night, there’s a bright day after that. So no matter how hard it gets, stick your chest out, keep your head up…. and handle it.”-Tupac Shakur.
You know, some days I don’t feel 100%. Does this sometimes happen to you?
I’m sure it does.
A hard thing about working for yourself is days like this can be a struggle between wanting to fight it and wanting to say, “F it,” and watching Netflix all day.
And, my friend, today is one of those days.
I’ve decided I’m going to see it through. I’m going to write, read, work, not work out, and probably do a bit more reading than usual (because that’s low physical stress).
Something I use when I’m not feeling so hot is affirmations/incantations. These are sayings or chants that I say to myself as a means of “psyching” my brain into making my body feel better.
What’s crazy is it works!
When it works, you often forget it worked because you go about your day.
I used one today: “I feel awesome and energetic.”
I said that out loud a few times, then thought it in my head even more.
So now, here I am, writing to you even though I could be—and debatably, should be—lying in bed.
Of course, there are times when laying in bed is the best course of action. I need more days like that in my life.
Whatever. I’ve made my decision, and I’m sticking to it.
This reminds me of that quote often found on t-shirts and posters: “The best way out is through.”
When I don’t feel like training, this is what I do: I train.
When I don’t feel like working, this is what I do: I work.
When I feel not so great, this is what I do: I convince myself I feel great (using affirmations) and keep going.
So much of your life is determined by the slightest variations of thought in your head. You don’t realize it, but you often hang on the teeter-totter of this precarious edge. A subtle shift of the mind to the left or right can result in different outcomes in your life.
You must grab the mental reins and direct the beast as you want it to. You have to take charge.
Are you feeling average today? Focus on positivity and optimism, and you’ll steer the beast of your mind to feel better and good.
Are you feeling lousy today? Steer the beast, and you’ll probably feel average or better.
Are you feeling fantastic today? Keep that momentum going, and even better things will happen.
And so on.
You know what? I feel better now since I started writing this. Crazy, huh?
Here’s to the rest of my fantastic day (and yours)!
Founder/CEO, Wild Foods