Is The Food You’re Eating Passing The 100-Year Test

"About eighty percent of the food in supermarkets today didn't exist 100 years ago."
-Larry McCleary, Feed Your Brain, Lose Your Belly
It's closer to 90-95% of products on supermarket shelves that did not exist 100 years ago.
But why does this matter?
It matters because the world was a far healthier place 100 years ago. We had wars, famine, poverty, the depression, and a significant lack of globalization and industrialization we have nowadays, yet people, on average, were healthier.
Thank the corporations and the processed and factory food industries. It's that simple.
Every time you buy and consume a "convenient product," you are trading health in exchange for convenience. Every time you purchase something "cheaper" than what you could have bought (conventional vs. organic grass-fed beef, for example), you are trading health in exchange for savings.
When you consume a cheaper and more convenient product, like a product that did not exist 100 years ago, you sacrifice a lot to gain a little.
Could you not do it?
Buy the best. Consume the best. Read labels. Be a savvy consumer. Never trade your health. Never compromise.
Founder/CEO, Wild Foods