People Think That Fat Is “Bad” For You… They Are 100% Wrong

"Butter was demonized and replaced with margarine, one of recent memory's most supremely stupid nutritional swap-outs. Only much later did we discover that the supposedly healthier margarine was laden with trans fats, a terrible kind of fat created by using a kind of turkey baster to inject hydrogen atoms into a liquid (unsaturated) fat, making it more solid and giving it a longer shelf life. (Any time you read "partially hydrogenated oil" or "hydrogenated oil" in a list of ingredients, that means the food in question contains trans fats.) Unlike saturated fats from whole foods such as butter, trans fats (at least the artificial kind) do increase the risk for heart disease and strokes!" -Jonny Bowden, The Great Cholesterol Myth: Why Lowering Your Cholesterol Won't Prevent Heart Disease-and the Statin-Free Plan That Will
We will do a series on saturated fat and dietary fat in general.
This is one of the last nutrition "myths" still alive and kicking in the brains of the average person. Most people know that sugar is wrong and that anything with grains, like bread and muffins, isn't doing your waistline any favors.
However, few realize that pastured butter is a nutritional powerhouse they should eat regularly. Hell, some people still eat only egg whites! Blasphemy!
So, I'm going to make this a short "intro" to more in-depth posts on the demonized, yet highly nutritious, macronutrient known as "fat."
First, throw away anything that is a substitute for fat. This includes margarine, seed oils like flax, canola, vegetable, and poisons like Crisco (I shudder when I imagine people eating that stuff!).
Second, replace it with the best-unsalted butter (Kerrygold for the win) and pastured lard (we carry Fatworks' excellent fat).
Third, get a bottle or jar of organic coconut oil and keep it on your counter for low-to-medium heat cooking and baking.
Fourth this is a good start. Do those three things today, and you will have made a significant step toward better health and body.
Founder/CEO, Wild Foods