Extreme Ownership

Today's Power Thought of the day is EXTREME OWNERSHIP.

There is no more empowering concept for the human animal. You can accomplish anything when you take complete control and responsibility for your life. You also stop spending your time on pointless blame.

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@ColinStuckert - Founder/CEO: Wild Foods Co - Specializing in Real Food ingredients from around the world. Get the Free PDF Cheatsheet download 7 Principles of Living Wild by The Ancestral Mind https://www.theancestralmind.com/livi...The Ancestral Mind Podcast is life. We cover all topics relating to building The Ancestral Mind, including why you should want to and what it will do for your life.

https://the-ancestral-mind-podcast.pi...The Wild CEO - I founded a Superfoods company called Wild Foods here in Austin, Texas. I'm here to help you use BIG ideas to make BIG changes in your life. Life is way too short to be average, or worse, not to be what you can be. SUBSCRIBE to get daily and weekly updates on all things IDEAS, BOOKS, SUCCESS, WINNING, MINDSET, PHILOSOPHY, HEALTH, FOOD, and MORE!

My company: Wild Foods Co - Specializing in Real Food ingredients from around the world.

My Mission is to help 50 million live better through Ancestral Health.

Join the #DrinkYourFat movement: Cut Sugar + Eat Fat + FastJOIN THE #DRINKYOURFAT MOVEMENT

Get the free Drink Your Fat ebook at http://www.DrinkYourFat.com

Learn the WHY behind your health. Regardless of where you are, your environment is why you have the health you have, for better or worse. Let's get back to REALNESS, back to nature, and get your genes firing right instead of wrong. That's the Wild Way. Join the movement of people finally seeing through the food lies the powers at the top have fed us. Fats are in, and carbs and grains are out. Now it's your turn to join the movement and take your health to the next level!

Get your Real Food Wild ingredients at http://www.WildFoods.co and use code WILDCEO for 12% off your entire order! Follow me: http://instagram.com/ColinStuckerthttp://instagram.com/WildFoodsCo info@WildFoods.co http://TheAncestralMind.com

What I Put In My Coffee every morning… my #DrinkYourFat

Copyright 2019 Wild Foods Brand LLC *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products and recommendations are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.


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