Carnivore Cooking Show: How To Cook Steak

Welcome to the first edition of the Carnivore Cooking Show!

What better way to kick it off than HOW TO COOK A STEAK?

It took me years to get comfortable with cooking a steak to perfection. So that’s what I’m going to do in today’s video, so hopefully, you’ll save some of that unnecessarily long learning curve (and keep many overcooked steaks)!

This format will evolve, and I plan to have a legit online cooking show with a full studio shortly. For now, we are going to keep it focused and simple: me showing you how to cook certain animal-based foods so that you have nutrient-dense human nutrition ready at all times.

So today’s video shows you ONE method for cooking steak, my favorite way. It’s fast, relatively simple, and foolproof if you follow my recommended steps.

After the video, I recommend you go out and recreate this exact formula at home so you can fully retain this technique. Links to each tool will be in show notes.

Cooking steak is easy and hard. And only recently have I felt like I’ve figured it out.

And it took a probe thermometer + thinking about my technique to finally get down my preferred way of cooking a steak.

This is weird because I’ve watched the food network growing up and plenty of “cook a steak” YouTube videos. But it didn’t click. There was still this seemingly elusive thing I wasn’t grasping about cooking a steak.

  • Probe thermometer, maybe 2. Or one that has multiple probes
  • 10 inch cast iron skill
  • Quality avocado oil
  • Tongs
  • Quality salt, Wild Pink salt, or my fav, our wild kosher flake slat over at wild
  • Grass-fed unsalted, say Kerry gold or organic valley or some local butter
  • Foil
  • A Wire rack and sheet pan.
  • Oven

These are the primary tools.

For the meat, let’s focus on a strip or ribeye, my current cut of choice for breaking my fast every single day. Let’s say it’s about 8oz, a typical steak and about 1 inch thick. Thicker cuts will use same technique, but you will rely more on your oven to finish the job.

The Steps:

  1. Your cast iron pan has been preheating on high heat and your oven is set to 250°

  2. Present steak 24+ hours before or right before you sear

  3. Remove steak from fridge, place in your sheet pan, rub down in salt and if you want spice rub. You can let it sit out for 5-25 mins before doing this, the thicker cut the more it should sit out. For thinner cuts, you actually should leave it in fridge and get it in pan still cold since this will prevent you from overcooking it, like a buffer

  4. Lightly coat in avocado oil

  5. Soon as your seasoned cast iron pan starts smoking, drop steak in so you get a consistent sizzle.

  6. Set timer for 1.5 mins

  7. Knock heat down just a tad, especially if your sizzle is too fast and you are getting smoke. You shouldn’t be getting smoke and you should have a steady solid sizzle. You’ll have to figure this out the more you cook on your range since there are many variables

  8. flip after 1.5 mins, you should have a beautiful crust (you can extend this to 2 mins if it’s thicker)

  9. Go for 1.5 mins (you can extend this to 2 mins if it’s thicker)

  10. Turn your heat down to lowest

  11. Take 1 tbsp - 2 tbsp of butter and drop on steak, don’t drop directly in pan just yet since it could burn butter.

  12. Grab a kitchen towel or glove so you can take pan and now work it around and tilt it so you can butter baste the steak for about 30 seconds per side

  13. Now remove from heat, insert your probe, maybe it’s done, here are the temp ranges i take my out to let it rest:

  14. If it still needs cooking, put the pan in the oven at 250°, leave probes in and set alert at desired temp or check every few mins. Once you hit X temp, remove from oven

  15. Place steak on rack and cover with foil for 4 mins

  16. Grab a cutting board/sharp knife, and slice that bad boy after time is up

  17. If you can cut against grain, great, some steaks you cant really do this, so I turn it at an angle a bit. I also don’t think it matters as much with tender cuts since every bite is going to be tender anyways + you can cut pieces down smaller as you are eating it on your place.

  18. Pour pan drippings over plate/steak.

  19. If still need some seasoning in middle of steak or if your butter base is lacing in salt, grab some flake salt and finish each bite or do a quick crumble over the steak

Slice and enjoy!

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