The Wild Newsletter – Cancer’s Favorite Food?

Dear Wildling,

I’ve been thinking about a lot of things lately. I’ve even had a few epiphanies as of late. I might as well share them with you.

1. Most things in life are distractions.

2. The essential things, the things of value, the things I enjoy, can be counted on one hand.

3. I am now focused on getting rid of as much from number one as I can so I can more focus on number two.

4. Most people need to focus more on how they spend their time rather than focusing on how they spend—or make—their money.

5. Money doesn’t buy happiness, but it does remove a lot of stress, and it is the most critical tool the average person can acquire to protect their family against the unknown. *Although it can also add a lot of stress if misused.

6. The new American Dream should be to own next to nothing so one can have the flexibility to travel and live anywhere

7. The future of our economy will be taken over by those that are 1) good with people and 2) can become good at multiple things.

8. I’m getting rid of my phone number. If I need to talk on the phone, I’ll schedule it and use one of the many free calling apps.

9. I’m reducing the time in my inbox (and so is Wild Foods). Unfortunately, the majority of emails we get are trying to sell us something or are quickly answered on our website.

10. We are all animals rummaging around on a giant floating rock that is spinning at 1000 MPH while moving at 67,000 MPH as it orbits the massive ball of fire we call the Sun. Oh yeah, and that giant ball of fire that gives us life will eventually explode and take us with it (if we don’t blow ourselves up before then).

*Perspective is helpful for us to realize that 99.99% of our problems are either easily solvable or not worth stressing about. I hope you have a great week. Remember, life is short. How you spend your days is how you spend your life, so spend wisely.

Yours in Health,

Colin Stuckert

Founder/CEO, Wild Foods Co

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