Why you should be buying bitcoin right now

I want to talk to you about bitcoin today.

With rising gas prices, inflation, and the possibility of food shortages, preparing for the future has never been more critical.

I own Bitcoin and plan to keep holding it for years to come.

I believe Bitcoin is the future of stored wealth, maybe money. It's here to stay one way or another.

I'm not a crypto expert, but I've read about cryptocurrency extensively.

I have a basic understanding of decentralization and blockchain and how crypto generally works. I've read a few books on each and listened to several podcasts.

Yet I still consider myself a crypto noob. There are a few reasons why being a crypto noob might be a good thing, but more on that later.

I'm here to lay out a case for why everyone should own some cryptocurrency, especially Bitcoin.

The perspective I'm writing from is as a 35-year-old male that has lived in the United States my entire life. I own guns, and I've generally been wary of the government for reasons not pertinent to today's discussion.

I recently bought a few 50lb bags of rice when the 2020 virus came around. I also stocked up on ammo for my small gun collection. I like to go to the range, and I like owning guns, but that's about it. I'm not the tactical type nor a hardcore gun enthusiast. I hope I never have to fire my weapon at another human.

I tell you this to paint a picture so that my perspective here will resonate with you if you're in a similar boat as me.

This article hopes to help you develop the mindset conducive to long-term cryptocurrency holding. This is not investing advice.

I don't consider owning cryptocurrency investing similar to gold in that way. It is a store of wealth and a tool. The reality is that the way things are going, it will become one of the best investments you and I will ever make. I think of that as a bonus.

I will give you the case for crypto and bitcoin and why I believe everyone should own some. I will focus mainly on the security benefits you get from storing wealth in cryptocurrency.

Principle #1: Fiat Dollars Are Not Sustainable

First, we need to establish a fact of our monetary system: the fiat dollar system propping up our economy is not sustainable.

This system will eventually crash and reset. There is no way around this. Understand this is outside my expertise and purview, so research why this is the case.

In a fiat dollar system, inflation is constant. As inflation increases, bitcoin will likely strengthen relative to the dollar's decreasing value.

Principle #2: A store of wealth: something to hold, not trade

When I buy and hold, I give myself a massive upside potential while maintaining the benefits of owning bitcoin—security, flexibility, and privacy.

I want to purchase assets and own them for life.

Warren Buffet recommends this, yet only a few people do this.

Only in a desperate situation should you consider unloading your hard-earned assets.

If you do your research, you can ignore what's happening in the financial news. If things get terrible, you'll hear about it. And even then, you should ride it out. So do your best to ignore the daily price ticker and the "sky is falling" pundits that profit off the hysteria.

Ignoring the news and market price is how you become a confident buy-and-hold bitcoin investor.

Principle #3: Long-term mindset

If you're the type to get excited or afraid in response to market news, DO NOT LOOK AT THE MARKET PRICES, since it will lead you to make rash decisions.

Bitcoin is highly volatile and is going to be for a while. Even the stock market is more volatile than some people can stand.

For the non-professional investor, the way you succeed in investing is to avoid paying attention to the market as much as possible. Set things up to auto-invest so the dollar cost averages for you. The tools available today are insanely helpful, so use them. Then set it and forget it.

‍Do you earn or lose money when the price goes up or down?

You only sell if you sell.

This is a familiar misconception people have when looking at the market.

You only lose something or gain something if you SELL. You realize a gain or a loss when you sell your asset.

Now on to this week's newsletter!

Yours in Health,

-Colin Stuckert

Founder/CEO, Wild Foods & Better Human Podcast & Newsletter

Wild Foods are close-to-nature Superfoods designed to give you the most potent human nutrition per serving. Use code WILDCEO for 15% off.

Get 50 Tips For Real Food in then Kindle shop for only $2.99

Look Up, Not Around

#329: No Society Wants You to Become Wise

Free thinkers are hard to control.

50% OFF! Grass-fed collagen + elderberry peptides

Our unique blend combines collagen, elderberry, and vitamin C for full-body immune support. While elderberry and vitamin C work to fortify the immune system, our pasture-raised, grass-fed collagen helps support healthy digestion—the key to immune Health and helps strengthen the cells and organs that help keep our systems healthy and strong.

Article: How to get more done by doing less

Product Fact of the Week: 1 serving of Matcha equals 10 cups of regular brewed green tea!

Wild Matcha is a fine powder made from stone-ground green tea leaves. Instead of infusing whole leaves in water and then discarding them, Matcha is whisked into water (or recipes) and consumed whole.

You get 100% of the nutrients locked inside the green tea leaves by ingesting the entire tea leaf. This is why one serving of Wild Matcha is equal to 10 glasses of regular brewed green tea in total nutritional value! 

Matcha is a healthy way to get sustained energy without the crash of regular coffee since the caffeine in Matcha is slowly released over 4-6 hours.

This Day in History: June 12, 1987

On June 12, 1987, in one of his most famous Cold War speeches, President Ronald Reagan challenged Soviet Leader Mikhail Gorbachev to "tear down" the Berlin Wall, a symbol of the repressive Communist era in a divided Germany.


"As you think, so you shall become."

—Bruce Lee

💡 Useful Tips Corner 💡

Cooking: Find two versatile meals you can cook regularly that are easy. We do meatballs and taco meat. This can then be converted into dozens of variations of meals, which means eating clean, healthy food just got a lot easier.

☀️ Health → The most crucial thing you can do for your long-term Health is cooked your food.

A principle for life → NOW → The now is all you ever have. There is no future or past. Both are ideas in your mind.

🌍 Earth: The sun comprises 99.86% of the entire solar system's mass.

Productivity: Set recurring calendar events with notifications for rent, bills, checking up on old friends, and a weekly reminder to call your Mom and Dad.

🦾 Never budge 🦾

I know history.

And that's why I know the real threat: The State

Disarm, and you give up your sovereignty.

Freedom dies one collectivist idea at a time.

Never budge.

The state only grows. It never shrinks.

Never self-censor or self-silence.

There are more Americans who value freedom than not. Refrain from letting the outspoken few behind screens convince you otherwise.

Read this thread → The world needs more strong men and strong communities. For as long as we have a breakdown of families and communities, society will get worse.

This excerpt is taken from The Better Human Newsletter. Get the rest here.

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