A Beginners Guide to the Salt Flush: What is it, and why should you do it?

Did you know that your kidneys process about 200 to 300 grams of salt daily? Your body is well equipped with its natural filtration system. However, many people do not know that stress and a high-salt diet can cause excess sodium levels in the body, which harms the kidneys.
To aid in reducing the adverse effects of excess sodium on your body, also known as Hypernatremia, undertaking a salt flush detox once or twice a year can have many positive benefits, including boosting immunity, lowering blood pressure, and improving digestion.
What is a Salt Flush?
A Salt Flush is a detoxification process that involves drinking lots of water mixed with natural salt and lemon that helps you to flush out toxins and excess water weight. A salt flush is best done in the spring when your organs start getting a fresh start and the weather is getting warmer.
A salt flush helps your body eliminate water retention, bloating, fatigue, headaches, and cramping caused by overeating salt, sugar, dairy, and other processed foods.
A salt flush can help to boost liver function, promote healthy digestion and increase energy levels. It might be an excellent strategy to strengthen your immune system and enhance your skin.
For best results, a salt flush is recommended with a cleanse or a detox diet low in fats and sugars, high in raw fruits and vegetables, lean proteins, seeds, and nuts, and free from dairy, gluten, caffeine, and alcohol.
Why should you do a Salt Flush?
As mentioned, the kidneys process around 200 to 300 grams of salt daily. However, when consuming too much salt regularly, the organ is forced to work harder, which can result in a build-up of fluid, or edema, in the body. Salt is an essential mineral that provides energy and helps regulate many bodily processes.
Salt flushes can help reduce the amount of salt in your body, which can help you to flush out excess water and toxins. A salt flush is also known to improve liver function, and as the liver is the filtering organ for the body, a detox is a great way to prevent a build-up of harmful toxins in your body.
How to do a Salt Flush?
There are several ways to execute a salt flush, but a good place to start is to consume one to two liters of water every day for three days straight, along with a teaspoon of Himalayan crystal salt and the juice of half a lemon. Once the three days are up, you should take a break from salt for about ten days before repeating the salt flush one to two times a year.
If you want a complete cleanse, many people suggest following a low-fat, plant-based diet rich in raw fruits and vegetables. This diet is also suitable if you are trying to lose weight, manage blood sugar or have an autoimmune disease. When on a cleanse, drink enough water to stay hydrated and avoid overeating fruit sugar, which can negate the edit's positive effects.
What to expect when doing a Salt Flush?
The effects of a salt flush can vary from person to person. Some people may not notice a significant difference, while others may experience flu-like symptoms, such as headaches, muscle cramps, fatigue, nausea, irritability, and cravings for salty foods.
When doing a salt flush, it is essential to remember that you are trying to flush out toxins so that you may experience skin breakouts, cravings, and a change in bowel movements. You may also notice that your blood pressure is lower, your skin is more transparent, and you have more energy.
Why is this important?
As previously mentioned, a salt flush can have many excellent benefits for your body, including helping to boost your immune system and improving your digestion. However, a high-salt diet combined with the overuse of antibiotics and frequent antibiotic treatments in medicine can increase the risk of contracting certain diseases that can cause irreversible damage or death.
Salt can increase your risk of developing high blood pressure, stroke, heart attack, and kidney disease. The salt flush can help to flush out excess sodium from the body, which can help to lower your blood pressure, reduce bloating and water retention and improve your digestion.
A salt flush can also help you achieve your ideal weight, as a high-salt diet can make you more hungry. It can also help to prevent certain diseases, including cancer.
Final Words
Salt is an essential part of our diet, but we should be careful not to overeat it. A salt flush can help flush out toxins and reduce the amount of sodium in the body, which can help lower your blood pressure.
A salt flush can help you to boost your immune system, improve your digestion and achieve your ideal weight. A salt flush is recommended with a cleanse or a detox diet low in fats and sugars, high in raw fruits and vegetables, lean proteins, seeds, and nuts, and free from dairy, gluten, caffeine, and alcohol. If you are currently overeating salt, a salt flush is a great way to flush out toxins and can help you reduce your salt intake.