A New Wild Recipe: Wild Matcha Milk

A New Wild Recipe: Wild Matcha Milk

I’ve been a big fan of homemade nut milk for some time now. But I haven’t made any in a while.

So I bought a new nut bag and a pound of organic almonds from Whole Foods.

But then I had this wacky idea of putting some Wild Matcha into the recipe. So I did some research to see if anyone else had done this and if they had added something sweet to the recipe as well. I found a few recipes here and there. Some made the nut process far too complicated, and since I had made it in the past, I knew it was much easier to do than what people were suggesting.

After making this recipe, I said out loud, to myself, in my empty apartment, “OH MY GOD.”

That’s how good this is.

I’ve been cooking for a long time now and it’s not often I have this reaction. In fact, I’m so in love with this recipe that I find myself thinking about it often. But then I get scared of my thoughts because I know they are inching me towards the fridge where I’m invariably going to drink every last drop in a very short period of time.

First World Problems

Wild Matcha Milk by Wild Foods

Ingredients Directions
  1. Soak the almonds overnight in filtered water.
  2. Drain the almonds and add them to the blender.
  3. Add the rest of the ingredients to the blender.
  4. Blend until frothy – at least a minute.
  5. Strain through a nut bag or cheesecloth.
  6. Serve over ice and store the rest in the fridge in a covered mason jar.
  7. Enjoy!
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