A New Wild Recipe: Wild Matcha Milk

I’ve been a big fan of homemade nut milks for some time now. But I haven’t made any in awhile.

So I bought a new nut bag and a pound of organic almonds from Whole Foods.

But then I had this wacky idea of putting some Wild Matcha into the recipe. So I did some research to see if anyone else had done this and if they had added something sweet to the recipe as well. I found a few recipes here and there. Some made the nut process far too complicated, and since I had made it in the past, I knew it was much easier to do than what people were suggesting.

After making this recipe, I said out loud, to myself, in my empty apartment, “OH MY GOD.”

That’s how good this is.

I’ve been cooking for a long time now and it’s not often I have this reaction. In fact, I’m so in love with this recipe that I find myself thinking about it often. But then I get scared of my thoughts because I know they are inching me towards the fridge where I’m invariably going to drink every last drop in a very short period of time.

First World Problems

Wild Matcha Milk By Wild Foods

What You Need:


  1. Soak the almonds overnight in filtered water
  2. Drain the almonds and add to blender
  3. Add rest of ingredients to blender
  4. Blend until frothy – at least a minute
  5. Strain through a nut bag or cheese cloth
  6. Serve over ice and store the rest in the fridge in a covered mason jar
  7. ENJOY!!!!!
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