Why Diets Fail – The #1 Secret To Nutrition

Video transcript below:

​​​​​Hey guys Colin Stuckert here. Founder and CEO Wild Foods Co.

I finally got the studio set up and going. Pretty excited about it. Got some of my influential books up here. I called, of course, Wild Foods products right here. I will put some ingredients up here—all that good stuff.

So today's video is real quick. I want it to be temporary. And I mean it. It's going to be short.

It's going to be the most important thing about nutrition and diet. Everything else matters once you have this one thing down. This one thing can change your life.

This one thing can simplify your eating, Food, nutrition, everything. This one thing is the thing that you must focus on if you want any goal whatsoever.

This is the thing. So let's get to it.

Okay, this one thing is going to take a lot of work. This one thing might take some extra work. It might take paying a little bit of extra money. It might be going out of your way to research the Food you're buying.

This one thing isn't a quick fix, but it's a fix. It's a cure-all. For the most part, it is a cure-all. But it's not an easy, fast, convenient cure-all.

And this one thing is what I base my life on. It's what we found the Wild Foods Brand on. It's what allowed me to cheat when I cheat. Travel when I travel and remain low body fat, have abs, and be fit.

I've seen the same for other friends and, family, clients in the gym. It gives you flexibility. It lets you not be perfect. It allows you that leeway, so you don't have to be perfect.

It lets you lose weight. It enables you to gain weight. It allows you to build muscle. It lets you burn fat. It enables you to do all the things that you want to do.

Perform better, feel better, have better sex, everything. It's this one thing. It's the base of all human nutrition.

So what is the one thing? What is this one thing? The one thing, guys, is a capital R and F, and it's Real Food.

Most people need help understanding what that means when I say Real Food. What is Real Food?

Okay, so Food that doesn't require a lot of processing. Food that is as close to nature as possible. Food that is as close to its raw state as possible.

So when you let corporations process your Food, cook it, and put it together in different combinations, you're removing some of the realness from it because you don't know what they're doing behind closed doors.

And generally, whether it's closed at the restaurant or closed doors at a big corporation, they're doing things to cut costs, increase the flavor, and increase the addiction. None of these will be good for your overall health, so Real Food is based on buying the highest quality natural ingredients.

So like, for example, organic cocoa or cocoa butter, whatever. Organic chicken. Local grass-fed beef. Going direct to the farm, etcetera. Things like that.

You are buying those ingredients, bringing them to your kitchen, cooking them, and prepping them yourself. Controlling how much salt you put in it—maintaining how much vinegar. Flavor, seasoning, spices, whatever goes into every meal, it's best held when you buy the raw ingredients and cook it yourself.

It is the fountain of youth; it does everything I said earlier in the video. It can improve your life and is the basis of all nutrition.

It would help if you weren't worrying about how many carbs you eat or what. If you're on fake Food, if you're eating processed Food, if you're drinking soda, if you are going to McDonald's, if you are eating at most fast food restaurants, nothing else matters until you stop that.

So all the diets, all the things, they all have valuable nuggets of information. You learn everything from them, and they all resemble the truth hidden in the diet or the recommendations, but only if you go for Real Food first.

Science, corporations, and food companies have not been able to engineer processed, refined foods that make a human being healthy. They haven't. It doesn't exist.

It might exist in 100 years, but right now, it is the first principle of human nutrition and the number one thing and the only thing you have to focus on until you get it down.

Then once you're eating Real Food, you can experiment with lower carb, higher fat, moderate protein, lower protein, whatever it is based on specific goals, but Real Food is the base.

And that is all I have to say about it today. I could go on for hours and hours about this. Get in the kitchen, buy natural raw ingredients, and prep things yourself.

Every time you let a corporation or company or whatever cook for you or provide you with multiple ingredients or a finished plate, you are running the risk of not having the best options that you could on the scale for your health, and you're going to pay the price for it probably.

That's how it is, which is why Real Food is the number one thing. It's the only thing to focus on until you get it down.

Alright, so thanks for watching, guys. Slap us a subscription. Jab the thumbs up. Leave a comment below.

If you have any questions or comments, tips or advice for others, for me, etcetera, I'm happy to help, and let's help other people because we'll only be Realer Food. It's going to help our health, it's going to help her family's health, and it's going to help the world.

We're going to be supporting better producers, better companies. We will be eschewing the processed food revolution, and everyone will be better off for it.

Colin Stuckert,

Founder/CEO, Wild Foods

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