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    Wild Blog — Nature

    Why Magnesium is essential for health

    Magnesium is one of the most important minerals in the human body. It plays a key role in many essential processes such as protein synthesis, DNA production, and cell growth.

    Magnesium is so important that we can’t survive for more than a few weeks without it. That’s because we can’t make or store magnesium - we need to get it from our diet on a daily basis. This article will explain everything you need to know about magnesium and why your body needs it.

    What are the benefits of magnesium?

    Most people know that calcium is important for strong bones and teeth, but did you know that magnesium is just as essential for good health? This vital mineral helps keep your heart rhythm steady, supports a healthy immune system, and enables your muscles and nerves to function properly.

    Magnesium is a mineral that is found in many foods, including leafy green vegetables, nuts, and seeds. It is also available in supplements.

    Magnesium is necessary for the body to maintain normal muscle and nerve function, a healthy immune system, and strong bones. It also helps regulate blood sugar levels. A deficiency in magnesium can lead to anxiety, depression, muscle cramps, fatigue, and migraines.

    Magnesium is involved in over 300 biochemical reactions in the body. Magnesium also helps to keep bones strong and is necessary for the proper functioning of enzymes in the body.

    How much magnesium do I need?

    Most people need to take supplements to get the recommended daily amount of magnesium, especially those eating a standard American diet. The amount of magnesium you need depends on your age, gender, and other factors. For example, pregnant women need more magnesium than other adults.

    RDA: The Recommended Dietary Allowance for adults 19-51+ years old is 400-420 mg daily for men and 310-320 mg for women.

    Pregnancy requires about 350-360 mg daily and lactation, 310-320 mg.

    How to get more magnesium from your diet

    There are many good sources of magnesium, including green leafy vegetables, nuts and seeds, legumes, whole grains, and dairy products.

    You can also get magnesium from supplements, but it's best to get your magnesium from food first. If you take supplements, be sure to choose a high-quality product that's been tested for purity and potency.

    What depletes magnesium in your body

    The more stressed you are, the more magnetism you burn through. Think of it as a vital fuel to keep you alive and functioning.

    Certain habits can sap magnesium stores. Here are a few considerations to make for optimal magnesium:

    • Avoid too much caffeine and alcohol: These can increase the amount of magnesium your body loses through urination.
    • Avoid too much sugar: Excessive sugar intake can lead to a reduction in the amount of magnesium in the blood.
    • Stay hydrated: Magnesium is water soluble, so you need to stay hydrated to maintain adequate levels of magnesium.

    Magnesium research

    Some studies link low levels of this mineral to an increased risk of osteoporosis, a condition that causes bones to become brittle and weak.

    Population studies found a link between higher bone mineral density in men and women who had a higher magnesium diet. Although limited in numbers, studies have suggested that increased magnesium intake through foods or supplements may improve bone mineral density in women who are postmenopausal and older.

    Studies have suggested the possibility of an association between moderately lower coronary heart disease (CHD) risk in men and increased magnesium intake.

    In a study in women, higher magnesium dietary intake was associated with lower risk of sudden cardiac death. In fact, studies have shown that magnesium supplements can help reduce blood pressure levels, which can be a risk factor for heart disease.

    Some studies have also suggested that magnesium supplements can help reduce blood pressure, though not all studies have agreed.

    Some studies indicate that taking magnesium supplements may help with blood sugar management and insulin sensitivity in individuals who have diabetes or pre-diabetes.

    A large clinical trial involving over 8,500 women found that high intakes of dietary magnesium can lower women's risk for high blood pressure.

    Some studies have reported lower mortality rates, along with less arrhythmias and better blood pressure, when magnesium is used as part of a post-heart attack treatment. In fact, magnesium is so essential for cardiovascular health, people who are at higher risk for heart attacks, who consume the most magnesium, have 34 percent less death risk than people who consume the least.  

    Risks of high magnesium

    Magnesium is an essential mineral for human health, but taking magnesium supplements comes with some risks. Because magnesium is involved in so many biochemical processes in the body, taking too much magnesium can lead to problems.

    The most common side effect of taking too much magnesium is diarrhea. This is because magnesium can act as a laxative and cause watery stools. Taking too much magnesium can also lead to cramping, bloating, and gas.

    Another side effect of taking too much magnesium is that it can interfere with calcium absorption. This can lead to problems like osteoporosis and bone loss. Magnesium can also interfere with other medications you might be taking, so it's important to talk to your doctor before you start taking any supplements.

    Overall, magnesium is an essential mineral for human health, but you should be careful about taking too much. Talk to your doctor before starting any supplement regimen to make sure it's safe for you.


    Magnesium is an essential mineral for health, and unfortunately, many people are deficient in it. If you are feeling tired, stressed, or have any other health concerns, consider increasing your magnesium intake. You can do this by eating magnesium-rich foods such as dark leafy greens, nuts and seeds, avocados, and bananas. You can also take magnesium supplements to ensure you're getting enough of this vital nutrient.

    List of The Essential Amino Acids

    Amino acids are the building blocks of proteins, and 20 different types occur naturally in cells. The human body cannot produce the nine essential amino acids. Essential means you must ingest them to survive.

    Since your body cannot make these, you must get them from your diet. Since protein is integral to human health, repair, recovery, and general well-being, understanding which amino acids are essential is paramount to a well-balanced diet and lifestyle plan.

    Amino acids are essential for many functions in the body, including muscle growth and repair, metabolism, and immune function. They can also be used as a source of energy.

    The different types of amino acids can be classified based on their structure. There are two main types: alpha-amino acids and beta-amino acids.

    Alpha-amino acids have a central carbon atom bonded to an amino group, a carboxyl group, and a hydrogen atom. Beta-amino acids have a central carbon atom bonded to an amino group, a carboxyl group, and a side chain.

    There are also four groups of amino acids: acidic, basic, neutral, and polar. Acidic amino acids have a carboxyl group that is more acidic than the amino group. Essential amino acids have a more basic amino group than the car.

    The alkyl side chains are similar to saturated hydrocarbon chains and include glycine, alanine, valine, leucine, isoleucine, methionine, and proline. The final groups are acids--aspartate and glutamate--and bases--arginine, lysine, and occasionally histidine--that form salt bridges.

    The 9 Essential Amino Acids


    Phenylalanine (or phenylalanine salt) is an amino acid in foods such as meat, fish, and eggs. The body uses phenylalanine to make proteins and neurotransmitters such as dopamine and norepinephrine. Phenylalanine is also needed to produce lipids (fats) and the formation of tyrosine, an essential building block of neurotransmitters.

    Foods high in phenylalanine include poultry, seafood, cheese, milk, nuts, and bananas. When a person takes supplements to get extra phenylalanine, it can cause side effects such as nausea or diarrhea.

    Excess phenylalanine can also lead to hyperphenylalanism, which occurs when phenylalanine builds up in the body too much due to a lack of the enzyme phenylalanine hydroxylase. Hyperphenylalanism can cause fatigue and dizziness.


    Leucine is part of the essential amino acid group called branched-chain amino acids. These can help provide energy to your body, especially after a workout.

    Leucine is vital for muscle growth, cell regeneration, and protein synthesis. The best sources of leucine are dairy products, fish, eggs, and meat.


    Methionine is an essential amino acid in foods such as meat, fish, and dairy. The body also produces it from other amino acids like cysteine and taurine. Methionine is crucial in making specific proteins and helps maintain a healthy blood sugar level.

    Excess methionine can lead to high levels of homocysteine in the blood, which can cause problems with blood vessel walls, nerve cells, and DNA integrity. Elevated homocysteine levels are also linked to increased heart disease and stroke risk.


    Proline is an essential amino acid that is found in many foods. It is a type of amino acid that can be synthesized by the body and can also be obtained from the diet.

    The human body needs proline for various functions, including maintaining connective tissues and cell growth. Proline is also involved in forming collagen, one of the main components of skin, hair, and nails.

    Proline can be found in many foods, including beef, fish, chicken, eggs, and dairy products.


    Glycine is a non-essential amino acid that plays an important role in human health. It is found in high amounts of protein-rich foods such as meat and dairy products.

    In addition to its role in protein synthesis, glycine is involved in the synchronization of cell signaling. It also has anti-inflammatory properties and may help prevent disease by reducing oxidative stress and inflammation. Glycine also might have anticancer properties.

    Glycine can also be synthesized endogenously from glucose by the enzyme glycine dehydrogenase (GDH). This reaction depends not on dietary intake but on metabolic demand.

    The body can store up to 3 grams of glycine in muscle tissue anytime. When the need for glycine is high (such as after exercise), the body breaks down stored muscle glycogen to produce more glycine. It has been shown to improve cognitive function and reduce symptoms of depression and anxiety.


    Histidine has antioxidant properties and can prevent the build-up of nitric oxide, which can increase blood pressure. The best sources of histidine are chicken, fish, dairy products, beans, and nuts. These foods also contain tryptophan, which is another essential amino acid.


    Tryptophan is a precursor to serotonin, one of the human body's most important neurotransmitters. This amino acid can help with mood disorders like anxiety and sleep disorders like insomnia. The best sources of tryptophan are eggs, cheese, and certain nuts.


    Threonine helps your body synthesize collagen and protein. Collagen is what keeps skin smooth and youthful, while proteins are what build your muscles.

    Threonine can also help lower blood cholesterol. Food sources rich in threonine include poultry, fish, dairy, and beans.


    Valine is also one of the branched-chain amino acids and works with leucine to provide energy and synthesize proteins. Valine is important for muscle strength and growth. Food sources rich in valine include dairy products, fish, eggs, and meat.


    Isoleucine stimulates the production of hemoglobin in your blood cells. Hemoglobin is what carries oxygen throughout your body.

    Isoleucine is also vital for muscle growth and repair. Food sources rich in isoleucine include poultry, fish, eggs, beans, and nuts.

    The Benefits of Amino Acids

    Amino acids are the building blocks of protein and play a vital role in many bodily functions. Amino acids are involved in a variety of functions, including:

    • Building and repairing tissues
    • Regulating metabolism
    • Synthesizing hormones and other chemicals
    • Boosting immunity
    • Providing energy

    The Best Foods for Amino Acids

    Food should always be your first step in optimizing health. And that is especially true with amino acids since you are looking for the most bioavailable form you can find. This is why animal foods shine... they are highly bioavailable while also including adequate protein, amino acids, vitamins, minerals, and essential fatty acids.

    Here are some other quality sources of amino acids:

    • Eggs: One large egg contains around 6 grams of protein, making it a great source of amino acids. Eggs are also relatively affordable and easy to find.
    • Meat: Chicken, beef, and pork are all excellent sources of amino acids.
    • Fish: Fish is another excellent source of protein and amino acids. Salmon, tuna, and halibut are all excellent options.
    • Dairy: Milk, cheese, and yogurt are all good sources of amino acids. If you're lactose intolerant, many lactose-free options are available these days.
    • Nuts and seeds: Almonds, peanuts, and sunflower seeds are all great sources of amino acids. They're also relatively portable, making them perfect for snacking.


    Amino acids are the building blocks of protein, and they play an essential role in many bodily functions.

    Whether you're trying to gain weight, lose weight, pack on muscle, recovery faster or just feel good over all, protein and amino acids should be the foundational of your diet!

    How Adaptogens Can Help With Stress and Anxiety

    If you're interested in trying natural remedies to improve your health, you may have come across the term "adaptogen." But what are adaptogens, exactly? This article will introduce you to adaptogens and give you ideas for adding them to your lifestyle.

    Adaptogens are a class of herbs that help the body better adapt to physical and mental stressors. They work by aiding the adrenal glands, which produce stress hormones like cortisol. In doing so, adaptogens can help to improve energy levels, immunity, and overall well-being.

    There are many different adaptogenic herbs, each with its unique benefits. Some of the most popular include ashwagandha, rhodiola, and holy basil. To use them in your health routine, add them to your diet in the form of capsules, powders, or teas.

    Adaptogens are herbs, roots, and other plant substances, such as mushrooms, that help our bodies cope with stress and regain balance following stressful situations. They are non-toxic and have benefits intended to boost the overall immune system strength and regulate stress hormones.

    Of course, adaptogens do not affect how the individual experiences stressful events. Instead, they are said to enhance how the body physically reacts to stress. They are supposed to decrease the harm caused by stressful states, like fatigue, infections, and depression.

    In the lab, adaptogens can take a chemical form by stimulating the hormones to produce or changing the chemicals involved in stress. Proponents of adaptogens speculate that the chemical actions could help the whole body, from the brain to the immune system, work optimally. Growing studies suggest adaptogens help regulate the body in several ways, including improving mood, balancing hormones, combating fatigue, and strengthening the immune system.

    The top adaptogenic herbs

    Many adaptogenic herbs can be used in a health routine, but some are better than others. Here are the best adaptogenic herbs:

    1. Ashwagandha is a root adaptogen used for centuries in Ayurvedic medicine. It is particularly beneficial for those with high levels of stress and anxiety and those experiencing high cortisol levels (which can indicate ongoing stress).

    2. Rhodiola rosea is an herb that grows in high altitudes, such as the Himalayas. It is known for its ability to help the body adapt to large sizes and improve stamina and energy levels. It has a long history of use as a medicinal herb, dating back to the Vikings. 

    3. Ginseng is a popular adaptogenic herb used in Chinese medicine for thousands of years. It is known for improving energy levels, stamina, and general health.

    4. Schisandra Chinensis is a Chinese herb used for centuries in traditional medicine. It is known for its ability to help the body adapt to stress and improve liver function.

    5. Licorice root is perhaps the most widely used adaptogenic herb for stress and anxiety. It also benefits those experiencing high cortisol levels, insomnia, mood disorders, or cognitive decline.

    4. Maca is a root vegetable that grows in the highlands of Peru. It is traditionally used to enhance energy levels, stamina, and libido.

    5. Cordyceps is a type of mushroom that has traditionally been used in Chinese medicine. It's thought to improve energy levels, respiratory function, and immune function.

    6. Astragalus is an herb used in traditional Chinese medicine for centuries. It's known for its ability to boost the immune system, and it's also been shown to improve heart health and reduce inflammation.

    7. Reishi Mushroom is a mushroom used in traditional Chinese medicine for centuries. They're known for their ability to improve immune function and reduce inflammation.

    How to use adaptogens in your health routine

    If you're looking for a natural way to boost your energy, mood, and overall health, you may consider adding adaptogens to your routine. While they're not a cure-all, they can help manage stress and improve overall health.

    Here's how to get started:

    • Start with a small dose and increase gradually as needed.
    • Take adaptogens with food or after eating for best results.
    • Listen to your body and be aware of any changes or reactions.
    • Consult a healthcare professional before taking adaptogens if you have any chronic health conditions or take medications regularly.

    Some adaptogens are best taken as a daily tonic to help support overall health and wellness. Others are best taken in higher doses under stressful or challenging circumstances and then reduced to lower doses once the stressor has passed or when it's time to wind down for bed.

    Most adaptogenic herbs are best taken in a powdered form. You can add them to smoothies and drinks or sprinkle them on top of salads. For best results, it's recommended to take them early in the day and whenever you notice that you're having a hard time managing stress or anxiety.

    It's also recommended to cycle adaptogenic herbs to allow your body to stay balanced and prevent any adverse side effects. For example, taking one herb for four weeks, switching to another for four weeks, and so on.


    We hope this article has helped you understand what adaptogens are and how they can be used in your health routine. While there is still much to learn about the potential benefits of these herbs, we believe they have great potential to improve our overall health and well-being. If you are interested in trying adaptogens, we recommend working with a qualified healthcare practitioner to ensure you take them safely and effectively.

    Stress and anxiety can feel overwhelming, but they don't have to rule your life. By incorporating adaptogenic herbs and superfoods into your diet, you can gain a natural tool for managing these feelings and promoting health and wellness. Remember that these herbs are not a quick fix for stress or anxiety.

    They're meant to be incorporated into long-term health and wellness practices. They will not work overnight and often take a few weeks to kick in. Be patient, and know that these herbs can help you to reduce stress and anxiety in the long run.

    The Best High Fiber Foods

    Most people know that they should eat more fiber, but many don't know which foods are the best sources of this critical nutrient. In this article, we'll look at some of the best high-fiber foods you can add to your diet.

    When it comes to adding fiber to your diet, many options are available. But what exactly is fiber, and what are the best high-fiber foods?

    Fiber is a type of carbohydrate that the body cannot digest. It helps to add bulk to the diet and can promote regularity. Fiber is found in plant foods, including fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and legumes.

    There are two main types of fiber: soluble and insoluble. Soluble fiber dissolves in water and can help to lower cholesterol and blood sugar levels. Insoluble fiber does not dissolve in water and helps to add bulk to the stool and promote regularity.

    The benefits of eating high-fiber foods

    There are many benefits to eating high-fiber foods, including promoting regularity, improving heart health, and helping to control blood sugar levels.

    Fiber is an essential nutrient that helps us feel full and satisfied after eating. It also slows down the absorption of sugar into the bloodstream, which is beneficial for those who have diabetes or are trying to manage their weight. While we should all aim to get more fiber in our diets, it's vital for those over 50, as this is when our digestive systems tend to slow down.

    The best high-fiber foods to eat

    If you want to increase your fiber intake, there are a few wonderful high-fiber foods to add to your diet. Here are some of the best:

    • Beans are a great source of soluble and insoluble fiber. This means they can help with both constipation and diarrhea.
    • Lentils: Like beans, lentils are a good source of soluble and insoluble fiber. They're also a great source of protein and make a great meat alternative in dishes like soups, stews, and curries.
    • Fruits and vegetables: Fruits and vegetables are generally good sources of fiber. However, some standouts include broccoli, Brussels sprouts, raspberries, and pears.
    • Nuts and seeds: Nuts and seeds are another great sources of fiber. In addition to being a good snack, they can also be added to salads, yogurt, and oatmeal.
    • Oats are a great source of soluble fiber, which can help lower cholesterol levels and improve heart health. They're also quick and easy to prepare, making a great and more. 
    • Chia seeds: Chia seeds are a unique fiber source because they contain soluble and insoluble fibers. They also pack a serious nutritional punch, as they're a good source of protein, calcium, and omega-3 fatty acids.


    If you want to increase your fiber intake, there are plenty of delicious high-fiber foods. Many healthy and flavorful options are available, from fruits and vegetables to oats to nuts and seeds. So stock up on these nutritious foods and enjoy all the health benefits that fiber has to offer.

    What is The Paleo Diet?

    What is The Paleo Diet?

    The Paleo Diet is a nutritional approach focusing on consuming foods similar to what our hunter-gatherer ancestors ate. The idea behind the Paleo Diet is that we can achieve better health by eating like our ancestors.

    The Paleo diet includes meats, fish, fruits, vegetables, nuts, and seeds. It excludes dairy, grains, legumes, processed foods, and sugars. Proponents of the Paleo diet claim that it can help you lose weight, increase your energy levels, and improve your overall health.

    Why the Paleo Diet is Popular

    The Paleo diet is one of the most popular, and for a good reason. The diet is based on the premise that we should eat as our ancestors did – that is, before the advent of modern farming and processed foods.

    Eating primarily fruits, vegetables, meat, and seafood, we can stay healthy and avoid many chronic diseases that plague modern society. Plus, the Paleo diet is delicious!

    Why follow a paleo diet?

    Here are a few of the many reasons to try a paleo diet:

    • Good for your Health: The paleo diet is good for your health and promotes a healthy lifestyle, which means that you will be less likely to get sick.
    • Good for your Weight: A paleo diet is good for your weight because it's low in sugar and carbohydrates.
    • Good for your Mood: A paleo diet is low in sugar and carbohydrates. And these are known to affect your mood and make you feel down.
    • Good for your Skin: A paleo diet is rich in vitamins and minerals that are good for your skin.
    • Good for your Digestive System: A paleo diet is low in processed foods and high in fiber, so it's suitable for your digestive system.
    • Good for your Energy Levels: A paleo diet is suitable for your energy levels because it's rich in nutrients and vitamins.
    • Good for your Mood: A paleo diet is low in sugar and carbohydrates. And these are known to affect your mood and make you feel down.

    The Different Types of Paleo Diets

    There are a few different types of paleo diets that people follow. The most common is the hunter-gatherer diet, which our ancestors ate. This diet is rich in meats, vegetables, fruits, and nuts. It is low in sugar, grains, and dairy.

    Another type of paleo diet is the 80/20 diet. This diet allows you to eat 80% paleo and 20% non-paleo foods. This is a good option for people who want to follow the paleo diet but don't want to give up all their favorite foods.

    The third type of paleo diet is the 100% paleo diet. This diet is for people who are committed to following the paleo diet and want to eat only paleo foods. This diet can be challenging because it doesn't allow for cheat meals.

    Another version is the Carnivore diet which is comprised of all animal foods, including dairy.

    Pros and Cons of a Paleo Diet

    The paleo diet is a popular diet that many people use to lose weight and improve their health.

    There are many pros to following a Paleo Diet, such as improved digestion, more energy, better sleep, and weight loss. Additionally, the diet can help reduce the risk of chronic diseases such as heart disease, cancer, and type II diabetes.

    However, there are also some cons to the Paleo Diet to consider. For example, the diet can be expensive if you buy all organic foods. Additionally, some people may find it challenging to stick to the strict guidelines of the diet.

    What Foods to Eat on a Paleo Diet?

    If you're thinking about trying the Paleo Diet, you might wonder what foods you can eat on this type of diet. The paleo diet is based on eating foods available to our Paleolithic ancestors. This means meats, seafood, vegetables, and fruits primarily. Here are some ideas for food choices that will help you stick to a paleo diet:

    • Grass-fed beef
    • Free-range chicken or turkey
    • Fish (especially wild-caught fish)
    • Shellfish
    • Eggs
    • Vegetables (especially leafy greens)
    • Fruit (especially berries)
    • Nuts and seeds
    • Healthy fats like olive oil, avocado oil, and coconut oil

    How to start a paleo diet

    If the benefits of a paleo diet are enough for you to want to start following it, here are a few tips and tricks on creating a paleo diet.

    • Know Your Sources: The first thing that you need to do is to know your sources. You must know where to get your proteins, fats, and other nutrients. Some of the best sources of proteins are chicken, beef, and fish. Some of the best fats you can get from natural sources are coconut oil and nuts like almonds and walnuts. You can also get your vitamins and minerals from broccoli, cauliflower, and spinach.
    • Know Your Limits: While you know where you can get your foods from and their sources, you also need to know your limits. For instance, you can have all the green vegetables that you want. But do not have too many of them as they are rich in fiber and can make your stomach bloated.
    • Follow a Regular Routine: Following a routine regarding your diet is essential. You have to have a specific time when you eat and a particular time of the day when you stop eating.
    • Eat Enough: One of the most important things you need to keep in mind is to eat enough. You always have to ensure you are eating enough and not skipping meals. It's crucial that you eat enough and that you are not skipping meals because this can affect your energy levels.
    • Make it a Lifestyle Change: You need to know that following a paleo diet is more than just eating the right foods. It's more of a lifestyle change. You have to ensure you are not returning to your old eating habits.
    • Don't Expect Miracles: You must understand that following a paleo diet alone will not solve all your problems. You have to make sure that you are doing other things as well. You have to make sure that you are exercising regularly and that you are getting enough sleep.


    The Paleo diet is a great way to eat healthy and clean. It involves eating whole, unprocessed foods that are packed with nutrients.

    The Paleo diet can help you lose weight, gain energy, and improve your overall health. The Paleo diet is an excellent option if you're looking for a healthy way to eat.